Opinions of cold climate chicken keepers needed

I'm reposting from the Ohio thread, I want to get everyone's opinions. We're supposed to have -25 or more runs chill tonight. my birds have been hardened against the cold, and they have been fine so far in the cold temperatures. I don't have a heat source in the coop, and won't put one in there. I'm struggling with adding more bedding and keeping them in their coop, versus trying to bring them in the garage and stress them as well. Will they be actually warmer in their smaller coop with extra bedding, or do I put them into the garage with a heater? I feel like they have a better chance of staying warm if they're in a smaller space versus the garage. I have no way of bringing the whole coop inside. Half of the run is wrapped in a tarp, and the coop is pretty sturdy although not insulated. They are good about going inside when it's very cold, so I'm not worried about that. I always leave the chicken door open for a little bit of extra ventilation, and they like to come and go. I'm just afraid that bringing them into the garage might be more stressful and not actually better for them.
Personally I'd warp the whole run. That way you have no drafts. I know it's late but Amazon has a nice clear tarp that lets the sun in.Maybe you could find a clear tarp in your area. Maybe Wally World or a hardware store. If you have snow that you can shovel bank your coop with it. Snow is a great insulator. Ask the Eskimos. And even they vent their igloos. I have a pre-fab BOOO HISSS and I warped my whole run and even the run part under the coop. Just get one with grommets ( I think they all have that IDK) and use wood screws in the upper frame. So the tarp stays attached. Where the tarp ends I shove a iron rake handle up against to keep it "closed" And shove the iron part into the snow. Remember chickens have a body temp of 106-107F. Keep dry and draft free. You'll be surprised.
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I'm reposting from the Ohio thread, I want to get everyone's opinions. We're supposed to have -25 or more runs chill tonight. my birds have been hardened against the cold, and they have been fine so far in the cold temperatures. I don't have a heat source in the coop, and won't put one in there. I'm struggling with adding more bedding and keeping them in their coop, versus trying to bring them in the garage and stress them as well. Will they be actually warmer in their smaller coop with extra bedding, or do I put them into the garage with a heater? I feel like they have a better chance of staying warm if they're in a smaller space versus the garage. I have no way of bringing the whole coop inside. Half of the run is wrapped in a tarp, and the coop is pretty sturdy although not insulated. They are good about going inside when it's very cold, so I'm not worried about that. I always leave the chicken door open for a little bit of extra ventilation, and they like to come and go. I'm just afraid that bringing them into the garage might be more stressful and not actually better for them.
What's the actual temp supposed to be? Wind chill only matters when they're outside and they'll be able to decide how much time they want to spend there. I worry more about coop temperature. You'll find views here anywhere from they'll be fine to use a heat panel for spot heat at night to heat the whole coop. Best idea might be to sit down with a cup of hot chocolate and read everyone's thoughts on it.
Your set up sounds like mine. I opted for a small panel heater by the roost for these couple of really cold nights. Mine have done well down to -11 actual temp so far without any heat and they are bantams. We might get down to -20 Wednesday night with Wednesday's high being -10. For me, that was too cold for too long. But I wouldn't fault someone else's choice of what to do. Only you know your chickens (breeds, combs, past history with cold) and coop set up and money situation. Those panels aren't cheap. I respect whatever choice anyone makes.
I moved my 3 BR hens into the garage for this cold snap, they were not to bright a couple weeks ago. They didn't go into there coop to warm themselves one cold day and started getting some frostbite on there combs by staying outside in the wind. So I figured just move them in and save myself from dealing with severe problems. It's the old adage you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. Keep warm everybody
Ugh, you just reminded me of my bamboo. I have a hardy breed but this will do them in for sure.

Do you know what variety you have? Yellow groove and bisettii might make it (as well as some others). If you still have a chance, mulch heavily. That will help a lot. Also, if there is thick snow cover that will probably save it due to insulation factor of snow.
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Yo, I'm back with a nighttime thermal photo. This shows how hot they make the wooden roosting bar they sit on. Interesting seeing the difference between the chickens with the combs and wattles, and the fluffy insulating face on the ameraucana! (excuse the husband's spelling of the bird. He did not know. :p)

This is so cool! Very interesting!! Thank you for sharing!
FWIW, my birds all survived -33F last night with zero supplemental heat. And I have both Large Fowl and young Bantams.
Wow that's amazing they can survive -33F. This is my first winter with my chickens and I am so worry for Tomorrow . I live in Indiana and the wind chills is expected 45 Below Zero. I have my 2 Orph and 3 larps in a 8X12 shed with plenty bedding as I am doing the Deep litter method and they also have a heating lamp with a controller thermostat. Would they make it? Does anyone has any advice?


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