Oprah at the beef packing plant-Feb 1

Highly doubt it will show anything that truly goes on in the killing floor there. Especially if it is a meat-packing slaughterhouse that has a Kosher or Halal contract. . . NOONE wants to see that.
Yes, of course, I agree. I only meant that she doesn't typically put unfair angles on things for effect; if it's something she believes in, she'll report it as such.

I have a hard time believing it will be an unbiased show. Just the act of butchering will put most people off because too many people want to believe there is no blood and guts involved in the processing.....their meat just appears packaged in the grocery store or butcher's case. Most everyone is just too removed from agriculture today.

C'mon Katy, AG is always dealt with fairly.
I can't believe any slaughter house would allow her in as she has a huge agenda. Having processed meat my whole life, a slaughter house is a whole different level. The consumer does not want to be shown reality. To eat meat or vegetables, something has to die. It is hard.
It was a Kosher packing plant that I went to. This was a long time ago when I was in college. As mentioned in a previous post this was eye opening even to a country kid.
Hmmm, that ought to be interesting. I doubt they will show everything just like when you see shows on how chicks are hatched at hatcheries you don't see how they cull the males or how they get caught in the machines, etc.
Having been raised a farmer and hunter. I have shot, gutted, skinned just about any edible creature you could immagine and my kids are being raised the same way. I think it will not be spun in a good point of veiw because Oprah made her oppinion know before and I hope she keeps an open mind but I will deff watch to see! However most people can not handle the processing part and don't want to know or think about it. This should be very interesting! Thanks for the show info!
Isn't that show a repeat? I do remember all that flaming and pro-actions from P*TA and boy, she got slammed big time. Not interested in watching it if it is a repeat.
I have a hard time believing it will be an unbiased show. Just the act of butchering will put most people off because too many people want to believe there is no blood and guts involved in the processing.....their meat just appears packaged in the grocery store or butcher's case. Most everyone is just too removed from agriculture today.

C'mon Katy, AG is always dealt with fairly.
I can't believe any slaughter house would allow her in as she has a huge agenda. Having processed meat my whole life, a slaughter house is a whole different level. The consumer does not want to be shown reality. To eat meat or vegetables, something has to die. It is hard.

hahaha! I agree the consumer doesn't want to be shown reality....
I have a hard time believing it will be an unbiased show. Just the act of butchering will put most people off because too many people want to believe there is no blood and guts involved in the processing.....their meat just appears packaged in the grocery store or butcher's case. Most everyone is just too removed from agriculture today.

Again, I didn't say it won't be biased. Her shows are always biased on her opinions of what should be aired. All I am saying is that I don't believe she would release a show based on a bias that SHE doesn't believe in. Of course it's biased, it's her show. I'm just saying that whatever it is that is aired, she stands behind, as opposed to other shows that will air (sell out) to whatever is the latest craze, whether or not they believe in it.

Also, there is a big difference between the reality of "blood and guts involved in processing" as you say, and the inappropriate treatment that often happens towards the animals and resulting meat sold to unsuspecting consumers. Not properly killing the animals with accurate swiftness resulting in pain and suffering, unsanitary conditions, such as when a side of beef is dropped into the urine and feces trough, then picked up and hung back on the hook without so much as rinsing it off, etc. There is a grotesque side of the meat processing industry that many people are not aware of, other than the reality of normal butchering and slaughter. I agree that most people are far removed from agriculture and have little awareness of the realities involved. People often say "they don't want to know". They just want to eat their steak in blissful ignorance. Totally their prerogative.

I don't know what this show will be about. My only point is that I don't think she'll air anything that she doesn't believe in and/or was educated on before deciding to air. And again, this comes from a person who is not particularly an Oprah fan. I just believe that she has integrity and is mindful of what she chooses to air for ethical reasons.

And just what do you base your statement on that
Are your "facts" based on visits you've made to processing facilities? How many have you visited or worked in? Or are they based simply on what you've read and seen in "special interest" groups videos?

I am not naive...I know things happen that shouldn't. But I also know that I don't believe everything that is slung around as truth on here or elsewhere.

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