Order arrived dead :(

sorry to hear about that they will give you your money back last fall i got my 1st group of gals from online and two didn't make and one had a bad foot they gave us our money back, now that it's summer out of the 5 five we order we only have two now i don't like getting them online any more it's hard on the chicks, i got some from a feed store and as chicks they looked so much more stronger than the ones i got last fall and they are all doing just fine.
Thanks. I ordered as I absolutely can't have roosters and thought the sexed chicks would be the safest bet.
How awful, im sorry that happened. I hope you are able to find a few friends for you little chickie.
I absolutely and 100% agree! we ordered 4 chicks that were going to arrive wednesday. When the package didnt arrive, I called the USPS and they could not locate the package! They checked every wharehouse but nothing! The hatchery's exuse was that we had ordered on fro the chicks to come the wednesday after Memorial Day, and the postal service was crazy! I didnt buy it. However, the package arrived the next day with one dead Rhode Island Red, and one dying Barred Rock. The remaining Barred Rock was super hyper, but the Golden Buff was almost dead, but we managed to save her. We recieved 3 replacement chicks and they are all doing fine, but my blood boils
when i think of those poor chicks who never had a chance because the USPS can no longer keep track of live animals!!!!!!
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It was a lesson hard learned for me. No more mail order chicks!

I found some silkie chicks locally and picked them up for my little survivor. She was thrilled!!
Mail order chicks usually work out ok, its just the extreame heat right now. I would order earlier in the spring with the temps are cooler
I'm sorry you had to open that box up.
We ordered 25 chicks, and a cold snap hit right when they were due to come into town. The post office put them on the truck all day instead of holding, and I opened the box to find nothing moving. At least half were dead, the other half very lethargic and cold. Only three survived of the 26 they shipped. They refunded and we ended up getting chicks from the feed store. (Our feed store gets them from a place that is in Fresno instead of across the country.)
Ordering these chicks was a really bad experience that will have really long term effects. I tried for two months to find some local Ameraucana chicks. We want chickens for eggs (and pets) and the kids REALLY want the colored eggs. I finally caved and ordered the EE's thinking it would be a sure bet to get the colored eggs we wanted. We planned on keeping 7 hens total, we already have 4 pullets.

Because we had a lone chick, I had to find some local chicks in a hurry to keep her company. I was lucky to reconnect with an old friend that raises silkies who was nice enough to give us two little ones to help ease our little survivor's trauma. (she screamed all day being all alone like that).

So now I have 2 less layers (of course I know the silkies will lay, but not the big eggs we want) and we more than likely don't have a single Easter Egger! Ugh. I wish I could be furious with the company, but I guess I know it won't do any good. What's done is done and I wont let them try to send me more and risk the lives of more chicks

(I am so grateful to have found the silkies, they will be very loved pets and a nice addition of cuteness to our flock. I'm very thankful to my friend that helped me out in an emergency) I just had a limit as to how many hens I can keep and am very disappointed we won't have the EE's that we wanted)

Rant over :p

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