Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

I was there also @ 11 AM...you either walked sideways or stood still.

No one knew me and I did not know anyone either. For the most part its still that way

I took away some free stuff (egg cartons) Some honey... and a Rooster as big as a horse

(Orpington Splash) Got home and the only place for him was the hallway in the chicken house,

so that is where he will stay until Monday when I can find a better place for him. I had a red wire

nut on the floor that he tried to eat so his name is now Wing Nut. I guess thats better than Stew Pot.

Headed for home with 3 mille fleur cochin hens, an Ameraucana hen, a cheesecake, and the ever awesome FREON BIRD!! Love it Rob, thank you, and don't even THINK about trying to rustle my chickens! Them are desert chickens, which means they have mad ninja-like defense skills!!

Thanks everyone for a great day!
Well that was fun! I left with lav orpington, splash orp and 3 silkies and to small roos..
...hatching eggs, incubator and those free egg cartons....
Whew! Home again...

It was fun seeing everyone again, and chatting, and seeing all the wonderful animals. I won a gorgeous photo by Alexis
and made some nice trades. Not too many shoppers actually buying, but that's the economy, I suppose. It was very pleasant in the Hall and the bathrooms were mercifully close by!

Thanks again, everyone who did such hard work to set that up!
Nice meeting everyone! Soap, honey, and the first dozen eggs went over well with the other. Got rabbits and roosters as per the imposed rules.... but I had mis understood them and the 3 animal limit was total... not each. OOPS....

Thanks everyone for making the swap awesome!
Had a BLAST guys!! It was a mobscene...

I wanted amercauna hens, and somehow came home with: 1 cubalaya cockerel, 1 white silkie roo (my son has fallen in love with "Big Bird"), 1 top hat mix gosh I hope it's a pullet, 1 dz total hatching eggs. (a mix of WS and maran mix). Nary an amercauna in the bunch...

Maybe next year? Had a blast, thanks for all the hard work guys! See you next year...
BIG!!!! THANK YOU for making a great swap. Especially Zoomummzy, Cloverleaf, and Alexis. I had a blast, my friend had a blast, I came home without my rooster (yeah) and only succumbed to ONE pullet (darn it). Sold everything I really wanted to and my friend sold a few things. Saw friends I knew from years ago and had a great visit. Great day overall. Cheesecake reward at home, YUM.

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