
Keep in mind that I selected these two for thier tighter feathering as I was breeding them to Dark Cornish which must have the tight feathering according to one of the aspects of the standard. The pictures do not do them justice, they have very contrasting colors and they do not blend in to each other.
Just a word of caution about the urban farm store. I have been there a few times to buy birds about 3 or 4 years ago and they used to let kids pick up the chicks from the bins, walk around the store and then put them back in the wrong bins. On some breeds that is not a problem but on some ...well you get the idea. I noticed Wilco has lids ad signs on the bins now.

The Urban Farm Store in Portland... Great place! http://www.urbanfarmstore.com/

Store Location & Hours

We are located at 2100 SE Belmont St.
Our Phone is (503) 234-7733
Our Hours:
Monday-Friday 10AM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-6PM
Sunday 11AM-5PM
Hey all!!

I think it was on the WA Thread... I'm so close to the River, but I forgot I joined them too LOL

Thanks for all the responses though!! I am going to try and get out to the swap... depends on my husband's job, so I won't know until about a week beforehand.

Mr. ChickenEd, I pm'd you :D
I'm pretty happy with my eggs and since I think I bought them from Chickened excited to see how my blrw that hatched turn out (though since they'll probably be roosters maybe it's how they'll taste, sigh and lol.) I split my eggs between 2 incubators and here is a pic from the ones that hatched out of the "preschoolers" incubator - I think it was 2 blrw, 1 b amer., 1 lav americ, and my blue marans (but don't quote me as eggs shells were a little mixed and couldn't read writing and 5 year olds were only observers
) My lav orp eggs didn't develop but since I was in it for the fun, that was ok. My blrw at home is pipped and hoping more go but I'm into the 5 to 12 chicks - keeps kids happy as chicks around and keep DH happy as not TOO many chicks to become chickens. Even though I process the extra (not kid tamed though) roosters he worries, why would he worry about too many chickens


THey all are different shades of blue even though some look black or yellow here. The one in the back corner is a very pretty light blue and copper. I guess I'll never be too serious a breeder as I like colors too much.
Just an FYI, the Urban Farm Store does not allow kids to pick up and carry chicks around. If they did in the past, they dont now. The chicks are all in stacked cages (not my favorites) but good for looking with no touching.
Just an FYI, the Urban Farm Store does not allow kids to pick up and carry chicks around. If they did in the past, they dont now. The chicks are all in stacked cages (not my favorites) but good for looking with no touching.
At the risk of loosing any popularity contest. I think that is a great idea.
See not all little people know how to handle critters right AND it keeps the breeds from getting mixed up. But if they are hatchery chicks they are little more than glorified mutts so it is really not that critical. IF THEY ARE hatchery stock !
Hatchery mutt stock or not, they shouldn't be carried around by a bunch of kids, who may or may not be dirty and sick, or may or may not have a clue how to handle a chick. I don't even let my neices hold my chicks, and they are sweet little girls who know to be kind. I'm even a bit timid to let them hold my grown banties.

And I've gotten a couple of breeds that turned out to be other breeds from other farm stores regardless of seperation.

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