
Hatchery mutt stock or not, they shouldn't be carried around by a bunch of kids, who may or may not be dirty and sick, or may or may not have a clue how to handle a chick. I don't even let my neices hold my chicks, and they are sweet little girls who know to be kind. I'm even a bit timid to let them hold my grown banties.

And I've gotten a couple of breeds that turned out to be other breeds from other farm stores regardless of seperation.
What I intended was yes I agree they are little live animals and not toys for kids to play with.
ugh, shrink wrappage in the homemade bator - last trip for this incubator and see if I can save some chicks tonight/this morning??.

On above posts - I agree kids shouldn't pack them around in feed stores but as a mom, my 2 and 5 year old have held (VERY supervised, ie hands on) chicks from 6 months of age on. It is how I learned "gentle" myself eons ago and one of the ways I help them appreciate life/babies/etc. My kids are what got me back into chickens (my line and I'm stickin to it) We have never had a chick damaged mostly because again, until old enough, my hand is always around the chick. My 5 year old can now catch any of her chickens (now grown) and hold them properly, feeds/waters her house pen daily with only random parent reminders needed, etc. Now, that being said I any other "untrained" chick child holder is a sit down, I'll help you in your lap and that's after I know the child. Just my sleepy way of saying all kids should be supervised but with that chicks can be safely introduced (though adult eyes can't wander). Oh sheesh, now I just sound soap box-ee. No grumpyness meant, must go to bed, sleepy
[[[[...........point out a good place or two to buy chicks. I KNOW I read a thread that stated a couple a couple months back. I've been searching for two days and can't find it now ........I'm between The Dalles and Hermiston....... ]]]]]]]]]]

There is going to be a poultry show in Stevenson, WA on April 21. If you know what breed you want, you can probably make arrangements to meet someone there to buy chicks. There will be a sales area, but no guarantee about what you will find.

Also, the Oregon poultry swap is May 5 in Canby (I think). Lots and lots of chicks for sale there.
[[[[...........point out a good place or two to buy chicks. I KNOW I read a thread that stated a couple a couple months back. I've been searching for two days and can't find it now ........I'm between The Dalles and Hermiston....... ]]]]]]]]]]

There is going to be a poultry show in Stevenson, WA on April 21. If you know what breed you want, you can probably make arrangements to meet someone there to buy chicks. There will be a sales area, but no guarantee about what you will find.

Also, the Oregon poultry swap is May 5 in Canby (I think). Lots and lots of chicks for sale there.

YES! and YES!! LOL
We had trouble figuring out our minorca was a minorca until it layed a white egg. Now my 5yr old son always wants the white egg because it's "different".
BTW..No more slow days like today on this thread. It was S L O W day at work. Am I the only one that hooked up the instant notification for this thread to their phone? Am I THAT chicken crazy?
one reason I prefer selling at 3 months and older is not only are you getting a hen but it will be the right breed. I only sell straight run on chicks except sexlinks.

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