
Red light really help, we had a red lamp, on brooder, and was to hot, so put a while one one until we I could get to Home Depot to get a 85 watt red light. The two newly hatch bantams pecking at each other. Under the red light they stopped, even add two stander Chicks the same age and no pecking problem. Be introducing the little one to my teenage Bantam, in her yard, all has gone well I took brooder feeder and water out for young chicks both felt at home .
I was using a red light all along.

Well, so far so good. Chicky doing well since yesterday.
Since the last two times were disaster I went overboard. Took all chicks out, changed color/shape of feeder waterer (though types they know how to use and verified when put back in) etc,, then put in new chick first, then others 1 and 2 at a time. All seems to be well. Figured if I did what I have done in the past to mix rodents, rabbits, livestock, etc and apply to give every chance. Paranoia seems to be helping (or just poor luck last 2 times) Thanks for all the advice.
I was using a red light all along.

Well, so far so good. Chicky doing well since yesterday.
Since the last two times were disaster I went overboard. Took all chicks out, changed color/shape of feeder waterer (though types they know how to use and verified when put back in) etc,, then put in new chick first, then others 1 and 2 at a time. All seems to be well. Figured if I did what I have done in the past to mix rodents, rabbits, livestock, etc and apply to give every chance. Paranoia seems to be helping (or just poor luck last 2 times) Thanks for all the advice.
I think you did everything right! I just combined 3 brooders of chicks into 1 huge grow out pen. I put the smallest chicks in first, the biggest last. I was merging silkies, 1 BLRW, Lav Ameraucanas, Lemon Cuckoo Orps, cochins and a dark brahma (the other DB's won't accept). I have 5 feeders and multiple lights. I also bought a cool brooder hutch from Big R. It doesn't allow for a heat light so I just put in a 100 wt light bulb. I think I'm going to try to find a red bulb. I know how nerve wracking it is to combine like that. Congratulations, I'm sure your "kids" will do great.
Gaaahh! I've turned into a Chicken Snob!! Omigosh. I have become the thing that I used to make fun of! Whenever I hear people call their Easter Eggers "Ameraucanas" or see Americaunas/ Araucanas advertised, I'm like "oh.. stupid people. Those are PROBABLY just Easter Eggers.
When I go to a feed store, I scrutinize the chicks, how they look and critique the workers and other customers as to their true chicken knowledge.
I prefer to hatch/ raise my own chicks, so I know where they came from and how they were handled.
And I TOTALLY condemn and look down on people who get chicks for EASTER.

Ugh! I'm SUCH A Snob!

But I love it.....
Oh I SO do the same thing! I looked at the chicks at my feed store exactly once this year, and as I walked away I realized I had a horrible scowl on my face the whole time! LOL The other customers must have thought I was COMPLETELY insane!!

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