
Hey Oregonians! I'm in SE Portland, 20 blocks from downtown. I love my little city farm!
hey luckychic,

I'm in SW Portland about 5 miles from downtown. I love my little city farm too! Were you on the coop tour this year?

I am Mom to 1 nearly teenage girl, 4 hens (3 are bantys, so they really only count for 1.5), 1 border collie/aussie, and wife to 1 husband.
Need Re-homing Help in Portland!

I have a 4 week old New Hampshire Red who is looking A LOT like a boy.

Does anyone know of someone in the Portland area who would have a good home for a rooster?

Thanks for any leads.
I am so glad that the heat is over!!! I spent the whole weekend camping in Silverton! Thought for sure that I was going to melt. However, it's a wonderful treat to come home and get this super fantastic, and much needed rain!! Hope ya'll are enjoying the weather as much as I am.


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