
Ok. Thanks Cloverleaf. So, I will dust them again and then I guess I won't worry too much about it. I really love my bearded birds BECAUSE of their beards and ear muffs. So I really hope they grow back... maybe after a molt?
I have two chickens! I know it doesn't sound like much but they're my chickens now :)
They're both mutts of indeterminate origins with a "free chicken" on craigslist history, then to a friend I know, and then to me.
Gracie - is a favorelles with serious breed disqualification issues  ( she's super cute! ) - No clue how old she is - she still lays eggs
Liza - is a wyandotte type - No clue how old she is either. She was laying an egg a week and now nothing.

They both have some problems. The most pressing being the staph infection that Liza's blood tested for. I'm supposed to be giving her 3.5 cc's ttl of amoxicillin every day and Gracie 2 cc's.
The syringe feeding is going terrible! He did say so long as I get it in her somehow it didn't really matter how unless she stops drinking fluids. I've been doing the syringe for Liza to make sure she gets it. Gracie I've been feeding hers soaked up in cream and oats. Maybe I could soak some pasta in the amoxicillin, vitamin powder, eletrolyte powder and buttermilk they're on?

Thanks for the welcome :p I live next to Dragonfly in the Eugene outskirts
can you post pictures? I'm sure we can figure out what type they are. Plus. .. who doesn't love looking at pictures of our chickens. :-D
Hi :) I'm from Oregon too.

When you're adding the vities, elecrtos, medications etc. .. do you add it before you boil the water? Or do you even boil the water? I want to try this but I'm kinda dumb and kinda smart, so I thought I better ask before I go making a mess.
Thanks :)
I start the spagetti first in the boiling water and get that to it's almost done, then I add the chick starter, etc and finish up with the minute rice. Adding oil makes it so the starches aren't so sticky.
can you post pictures? I'm sure we can figure out what type they are. Plus. .. who doesn't love looking at pictures of our chickens. :-D
I love to take pictures of them :p Liza doesn't like me anymore after I started the moxi. i'm sure she'll get over it if she gets well though. just not her favorite person right now.

Aren't they cute?! :p Ignore their icky feet. They had bad scaly mites, mites, worms, bumblefoot on liza and stuff when I got them. Once I realized how bad it was and that it wasn't normal I joined BYC and got some awesome help :) They also see a vet and its all in the process of getting better.

Sorry the patio is a mess! I just took these pictures and I'm changing stuff around again so it looks sort of unclean.
The black stuff on Gracie isn't "stuff" on her feathers. She has a lot of black feathering which isn't faverolles I'm guessing.
Lizas neck is a very bright yellow in person. Nothing I've seen on any of the Wyandotte pictures on BYC.
I'm certain they've got a lot of "mutt" in them but thats okay :) I think they're the bestest of the best! :p
I have a trio of buff Cochin bantams, hatched in January from Duane Urch. Unfortunately they all have split wing so they are worthless to me. They are all super friendly, and are not to be sold as food. I would preffer they go to a home with other bantams as they would do not do well with LF. One of the pullets is nearing POL. The roo has already started to show off for the ladies. I also have one other crossbred roo who is very large. He would make a great flock protector or stew. $10 for him. The Cochins are $15 or $30 for all three.
If interested, please PM me. I am located in Happy Valley.
I love to take pictures of them :p Liza doesn't like me anymore after I started the moxi. i'm sure she'll get over it if she gets well though. just not her favorite person right now. Aren't they cute?! :p Ignore their icky feet. They had bad scaly mites, mites, worms, bumblefoot on liza and stuff when I got them. Once I realized how bad it was and that it wasn't normal I joined BYC and got some awesome help :) They also see a vet and its all in the process of getting better. Sorry the patio is a mess! I just took these pictures and I'm changing stuff around again so it looks sort of unclean. The black stuff on Gracie isn't "stuff" on her feathers. She has a lot of black feathering which isn't faverolles I'm guessing. Lizas neck is a very bright yellow in person. Nothing I've seen on any of the Wyandotte pictures on BYC. I'm certain they've got a lot of "mutt" in them but thats okay :) I think they're the bestest of the best! :p
Wow. Liza is beautiful. She looks like a mix of Silver laced wynodette and Welsummer. Her neck looks Welsummer. Not sure about Gracie yet. Ill keep looking. :-D
lol Yes she does :) Five toes on both feet.
She's been shampooed too. And with dog oatmeal shampoo from the vet that is guaranteed not to harm her or dry her out. They were both kind of crusty/dirty birds once I got to looking under the feathers. I thought that was something on her beard ...like maybe tar or no clue really. But thats black in her feathers not on them lol

LOL She's kind of bossy. Here's a close up of her getting mad at me for having the camera stuck in her face.
I was a little bit worried she might go after me once I realised she was growling at me in a not friendly way ... but after I while I realised she's just bold. And she likes to piss and moan, sorry for the bad language, but that pretty much sums up Gracie lol I think she's a riot! :p
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Hatching days here ... we think this one is a Golden Laced Wyandotte mutt, though there is a slim chance it could be all GLW. She is pretty tiny. I think we'll only be getting 5 out of this clutch. One more hatched but didn't make it. The other eggs seem like duds at this stage. We haven't been candling them this time.


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