
Wow another person from Lebanon
(I'm in Lebanon too). I think thats 4 or 5!
I am in Beaverton, Oregon and I have the most basic question EVER. Is it legal to have a chicken in beaverton (backyard)?
It's legal for 3 in Portland, but no roos...I can't imagine that Beaverton would be different...but..?? Call your local police non-emergency number and ask them...anonymously of course!! (from a friend's house!)
Well I had to search for a bit, but I knew there would be an Oregon thread around here somewhere
So fun to see so many chicken-lovers in the neighborhood!

Hi everyone!
I'm in Sheridan, about 22 miles west of Salem & 12 past Dallas on the way to Lincoln City. We live on 10.5 acres of forest land way out in the boonies, and we LOVE it here! We moved from SE Portland about 2 years ago, but we still spend quite a bit of time up there. I also at times have lived in NE and up in Vancouver, WA, so I know the area quite well and still consider myself connected to the area

Anyway, I'm a new mommy...we received our 6 RIR chicks this past Wednesday, and I'm loving them to no end. This morning a few of them were following my hand instead of running from me, and a couple even stood still to let me rub their chests ~ I was thrilled!!

We've talked for so long about having chickens...especially since our house came with two chicken coops and a huge fenced yard for them. I'm so glad we finally took the plunge!

Does anyone know if Salem is allowed to have a few chickens now? I was following the battle but then lost track. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that they won't allow people to keep 3 or so...I understand roos (even I don't want a roo) but jeez...
Hi Chicklit! and

I'm near Sheridan, too -- up Gopher Valley. Are we close? I started with RIR, also, and they have been great layers. They started laying right at 19 weeks and have been fairly steady since. I have one broody one right now, but I usually get 9-12 eggs per day from 13 hens. I kept one RIR roo, too.

We have 30 meat birds coming tomorrow from Murray McMurray, so the coop is all cleaned and ready. Our last batch of meat birds were processed at 8 weeks, but some were huge (over 7.5 lbs), so we'll see how these are at 6-7 weeks.

Anyhow, welcome to the wonderful world of raising chickens, neighbor!

Hi Janine ~ yes we most certainly are neighbors! I did have to check to see whereabouts Gopher Valley is...it looks like you're off Highway 18, while I'm over on the Hwy 22 side, but we're very close

Being good layers is why I picked RIRs...also their sweet personalities, and being winter-hardy. They're gorgeous chicks...and growing like weeds! I've been cleaning the coop today of all the memories of chickens past and need to do some patching to get it ready, but I've got a few weeks to get it done. I'm really glad I finally got in there!

Thanks for the welcome! I'm loving it so far, and I'm so glad I found this board...I can tell I'll be spending a lot of time here
Well, most certainly we are neighbors! Our first flock of layers has been relatively easy -- it's fun to see how they interact as a little family. They love us and are so excited to see us in the evening when we take them their treats (our scraps and leftovers). We have more layers coming in September; we ordered a brown egg-layer variety that we will share with a few others. Because ours are all the same age, they seemingly will fall off laying at the same time. So, we figure to add more this year, and then next, etc. We love our farm-fresh eggs, and can't imagine eating store bought again.

If you ever want to come out and check out our setup, just PM me. Ours is *very* predator-proof, as we have couger, bobcat, coyotes, raccoons, hawks, etc. regularly on our property.

And, of course, if you have any questions, let me know. We have so far raised 3 batches of chicks ... not experts in any way ... but we've been successful so far.

Where do you shop for feed? We are using Wilco in Mac.

Good luck with your girlies!

Hi Everyone,
Wow! Im so excited to find two, yes count them two others who live in Sheridan Oregon, cant believe it:)

So please yes PM me if you ever want to get together. My hubby just finished the coop and I am a new mommy too. I have three hens and they provide tons of intertainment. No eggs yet:/ I hope that all is well this 4th of July the girl seemed to be ok with it. I love this web sight and have even got my sister hooked on it!

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