
I'm so sorry

x2 -- so sad to hear about this
Great Potential Flock Master Available!

Those of you with roosters know how essential a good flock master can be, one that is good to his girls and you.

I have a 4.5 mo Buff Brahma cockeral who has just started to crow so he needs a new home. Buffzilla is a gentle giant, not mean to the other chickens or me, and acts like he could be a great flock-master. If a hen he tries to mate with really resists, he backs off. He is only attempting with my few hens that look like they are ready to lay. When I pick him up (he doesn't like it) he won't try to bite me and he'll take treats from my hand. I realize he's young and his personality could change, but right now he is awesome! I can't keep him since I'm in Portland proper, or I wouldn't even consider getting rid of him.

He is free to a good home that will not be eating him. I'd rather give him away where he can fulfill his potential, than sell him to the feed store. I'll be taking him to the Urban Farm Store on Sunday to be rehomed if I don't get any offers before then.
And if ya wanna see some awesome birds get cloverleaf to show ya some of hers.

Btw I had no idea Alpenrose was still even there. What about Oaks park is it stil there.

Aww. Thanks!

Yep, Alpenrose is still there, and thriving. I had never been there before and got the tour from Tallyho a couple weeks ago. They host the little league World Series, and have some race tracks...mini bike maybe?? And they are reviving a bunch of things thanks to the multiple 4H groups meeting there now.

And yes, Oaks Park is alive and well. In fact we were just there about a month and a half ago for DH's company picnic.

I heard someone talking about 4-H at Alpenrose! Yes! We have a poultry club, rabbit/cavy club, Cloverbuds and starting a goat/sheep. Alpenrose has generously donated 4-H meeting space in Dairyville. And an Eagle Scout candidate from a local BSA troop is building us a coop there too. We are also helping Alpenrose reinstate "Christmas at Alpenrose and Storybook Lane". Come on down and get your picture taken with Santa!

Oh and the tracks Clover mentioned are the velodrome and the 1/4 midgets.
Thank you. I've been in a real funk all night at work, finally starting to feel a bit better, but the yard won't be the same without her.

My kids grandparents are part of the Alpenrose "family" lol. Not the cads but close old time friends. I sent Tallyho a pm and waiting to hear back

Sent you a PM. Call me if you have questions. We can even meet before the next meeting if you wish. I'm out at the Pony Barn a lot.
I am looking for someone selling their eggs. I dont trust CL so I am coming here. I want to be sure the girls are treated right and will be respected for all their hard work. I cant go much farther than vancouver or gresham or oregon city(CITY) not the country. Please PM me if you have eggs for sale. We are out, I refuse to buy store eggs, and our girls wont be laying for a few more months

Thanks so much
My kids grandparents are part of the Alpenrose "family" lol. Not the cads but close old time friends. I sent Tallyho a pm and waiting to hear back

Sent you a PM. Call me if you have questions. We can even meet before the next meeting if you wish. I'm out at the Pony Barn a lot.

I will be out there this weekend so I may pop in there to see if your around. I emailed you back
I have a fridge full of bantam eggs that you can just have (in your own cartons & I dont pre wash the freebies) I wont be available till Sunday night at the earliest though...
Sent you a PM. Call me if you have questions. We can even meet before the next meeting if you wish. I'm out at the Pony Barn a lot.

I will be out there this weekend so I may pop in there to see if your around. I emailed you back

Call me. I'll be there while the boy scouts are working on our coop. I need to walk the fence line of the huge pasture to get ready for our sheepies.

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