
One of my Geese just dropped (I would have said laid, but that sounds like she knew what she was doing) an egg on my dogs outdoor hammock!
What's hilarious is, there were three of them standing on the hammock, and the egg was just rolling around between them, and they're all looking at it like they have no clue what it is or where it came from!
I think it's their first (EVER), hence the confusion. It was just too funny! Took the dogs on a patrol of the rest of the yard, to see if we had any others laid and left anywhere, but didn't find any. Looks like I'll be doing some nice French style baking this weekend!
I am basically just experimenting with my DC. I would like to get a good BLR color to stick on my DC and breed back to the DC standard body type. Someday get the color recognized.

Chickened, those projects have much richer color than my hatchery wyo's for sure. Interesting lacing color, it seems to fade from light blue down low but it seems to get darker almost black up towards the neck? My hens fade also but not near as drastic. I like it.
So, this isn't the first time i heard about Wyandotte x Cornish project. Tell me, what is the goal for this cross? I'm intrigued. Tell me more.
I want 2 pygmies!

Anyway, on another topic.... I THINK my East Indies ducks (2) have finally started laying. They've been doing nesting-like behaviors and I've been finding very muddy, greyish eggs in very strange places around my run. Never in the nest boxes where the chicken lay, so I can only assume the ducks are finally laying. Yippy!
Hey all! Greetings from Sandy. Can anyone tell me where I can get some Easter Egger pullets? I just need them old enough to go outside directly as I am brand new and do not have the ability to raise chicks (YET!)

Zanna, I looked at the website from where your chicks are coming from. Those eggs are dark. Hopefully mine will be that dark also. I was told mine are Wade/presley. But ive already noticed faults in my chicks. Goes to show, doesnt matter where they started so much, its where they ended.

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