
I just got two Dark Brahmas from my guy as a gift. They are very calm! Really different from the other chicks we raised...except maybe for the Welsummer, she is also very calm and friendly. He got them from the feed store, so I'm sure they aren't great quality, bu they sure are adorable.
Hi, I'm from Myrtle Creek! Am I off topic, now that you are talking about selling chickens?
Hi, I have relatives in Riddle, and I went to High School there many, MANY years ago!
I have Blehm ameraucana chicks at cost (7.00). I had to order 25 and don't need that many. Black and wheaton.

Breda chicks. Recieved as extra chicks in 2 shipments from Greenfire farms who sell them for 50.00 each. Very cool looking new import. I don't know of anyone breeding these in Oregon. I was tempted but am saving up for a bigger incubator so have decided to sell them. 9 chick, mostly blue and black, some splash. 20 ea?

I'm selling my lav ameraucana trio. Roo is pips n peep, hens blehm/shaffer. Will take best offer.
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The those sound like very cool ameraicana hens and roo.

Of the 6 breeds I have the Brahmas are the calmest and most laid back. These are the hens I have visiting kids hold. They are a huge fluffy armful! Ginger, the accidental Brahma roo, is so much mellower compared to the EE roo, Edgar.

Taking a break from cleaning the brooder at the moment. After picking up and looking over the 7 Buff Brahma pullets I have a feeling some will never lay eggs. This batch of pullets have been such puzzle. They are from 2 hatcheries, 3 feathered out quickly and 4 extremely slowly. With 2 roo in residence I am out of rooster room. If they do turn out to be crowing pullets they will have to be re-homed. It may still take a while to figure out, they mature so slowly, but if anyone is interested in a Buff Brahma cockerel please let me know!
I need some duck advice. I have a trio of call ducks with an likely sterile male (infertile eggs prior). I added another 1 year old drake and a 1 year old east indie (yeah, mixin it up, sigh) to the trio. I have yet to have fertile eggs (NONE). Two of the hens have had a broody try but no luck and I've done repeated incubator tries. Is it possible the older drake prevents the younger one from trying? (guessin' I've tried to incubate at least 50 eggs from the 3 hens, even trying the East Indies to see if hers helped)
Now, I've never seen them breed (but don't see my large ducks either and they were 100% fertile last hatch). They alternate from flock raiser to laying mash (as I try different hatches). They are currently in an above ground pen I think 8x4 with a large mortar pan they swim in. The two drakes look a little rough lately and not really seeing them swim. My large breed ducks have shallower water and hatch fine. I occasionally give them peas or cat food.

Suggestions? (I posted in the duck forum several days ago but hoping you guys are more help). Would you more experienced people remove the older drake? different pen?? Could some disease make them infertile?
Thank you all!
My Buff Brahma is HUGE. 10 pounds, AT LEAST. She is so big and slow. She Looks like a neanderthal with her huge "eyebrows" and sunken eyes. We call her Dufus, or Neanderthal, or Wookie. The only chicken that gets 3 names!
My DH, the one who "doesnt like the chickens", (yet digs worms for them and holds them and knows their names), aka the man who said "no roosters" just said, out of the blue.... I have a name for the white rooster, (Silkie/ D'Uccle).

Me: uhm ok. What is it?
DH: Starlight
Me: Huh? Are you serious?
DH: yeah. Its perfect. A white rooster with irridescent tail feathers. He looks like a Starlight.
Me: Do you KNOW Rainbow Bright? She has a white horse, with a rainbow mane and tail. He runs on rainbows and his name is Starlight.
DH: right. Its perfect.
Me: that name is so gay.... (and i am not homophobic at all, mind you...equal rights for all..however, the name IS very feminine for a boy)

But..... its PERFECT. I hate to say it, but the name is so perfect.....

So, i now have a very fluffy, feathery, Freddie Mercury-esque rooster named.... Starlight.
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Starlight, what a great name for a roo! Gotta have some fun naming these boys, it will never hurt their feelings. Our Brahma roo, Ginger, learned his name before I learned his gender. It was another 6 weeks before my doesn't like the chickens DH realized what our 'special' crowing hen was. Have not mentioned to him what I think is in the brooder......

p.s. those are fun names for your Brahma hen also! I have gone the opposite way, naming them as dainty names as possible, Honey, Peach, Poppy, Lilly, Evie. Such a contradiction with their glowering expressions lumbering gait.
I need some duck advice. I have a trio of call ducks with an likely sterile male (infertile eggs prior). I added another 1 year old drake and a 1 year old east indie (yeah, mixin it up, sigh) to the trio. I have yet to have fertile eggs (NONE).

You know the original drake is sterile, so I suggest that you remove him from the flock. Well.... maybe the drake is sterile. It might be the ducks. How old are they? You've either got 2 drakes that are sterile or 2 ducks.

Call eggs are difficult to hatch. So, are you certain that they aren't fertilized, or are they just not developing?

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