
Hi to our Oregon neighbors!

So, we're over 7 weeks into our first run of chicks. We have 16 RIR's that are doing GREAT, 1 still-to-be-determined fellow (black & white motley pattern, but black/grey legs & feet). And we have 14 of our 15 Jumbo Cornish Cross-X fryers. We had one that had some sort of leg/foot problem and just wouldn't stand. It wasn't sick at all; would eat/drink/poo no problem ... just wouldn't stand up. After about a week, we decided he was the size of a good Cornish game hen (5 weeks), so he was dinner a little sooner than planned.

Anyhow, our 14 remaining fryers will be ready on Saturday. Someone, somewhere mentioned that there may be a mobile scalder and plucker somewhere in the vicinity (Willamette Valley, Yamhill Valley) that we could rent. We're not squeamish to the processing, and we plan to build our own plucker, but if there is such a set up available to rent for our first full day of processing, we'd be very interested.

Also, for anyone who processes ... what is the best source for freezer bags big enough for these guys? MMH sells them, but we'd rather buy locally. We have a Foodsaver system that we use for game/fish, and we'll probably give that a try this time. Anyone try this?

We have lots of pics in our Picasa photo gallery of the construction of the coop, and the development of the chicks. The links are on our Backyard Chickens home page.

And, our next batch of 25 fryers arrive the second week of October.

Danny & Janine
I'm seeing lots of folks from the mid-valley area. shipped eggs are often damaged and don't hatch. anyone want to start an egg swap in driving distance?
what kind of roo are you needing a home for?
i heard of someone in the area that adopts extra roos but can't remember her name.
Costal farms store used to have an animal and farmers market day each month. now the only small animal market i have heard of is the woodburn auction. a long drive for me. i find buyers on craigslist.
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I have him posted on Craigslist. I was contacted by someone with a breeding farm in Oregon City, but the computer ate the message so I can't reply, unfortunately.

He's a NH Red. He's my favorite (so far;) )

I've got feelers out with people who live on the outskirts of Portland, but if anyone hears of someone in the area, please send them my way.


Sorry for the hijack, back to the good suggestion of an egg swap!

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