
They are the only ones I have had..maybe I just got lucky. I got them at around 7-8 months..they did not appreciate being picked up. Something to think about. If you want a hen that will be super friendly with your son..getting a chick and starting over would be a good idea. This way you can handle her all the time. Silkies and Brahmas are really good choices for kids..they are super docile and calm.

We haven't had Brahmas but we have a buff and a blue silkie and the blue is and always has been so crazy! Only meaning in a wild way, I started calling her Ninja because it was the only way I could describe how quickly she could jump from one spot to another in the brooder LOL! She's one of my favorites :)
There is a "chicken show" at the fair grounds in Salem this weekend and people will have chickens for sale this evening till 9PM and all day tomorrow. Remember to bring a carrier

Thank you! I think we're going to make a trip down there tomorrow!
Call Oregon city Wilco they had some last week

I did first thing this AM, thank you for the idea... I hadn't thought of that until I saw it mentioned on here.
I had two buttercups about ten weeks second day in the coop and something for in the run killed the two buttercups and took one of my wyandottes so peepss turned into lucky the soul survivor

:( This was our first loss besides a few sick newborns and I'm pretty sure it will never be easy losing any of our chickens. I honestly never thought I'd say this as the whole chicken thing was my husbands idea but... Chickens are now my favorite animal! Shhhh... Don't tell my husband!
So terribly sorry for your ailing pups!!!! Good for you in getting another opinion and sticking to your guns!!!


SOOO SMOOCHABLE!!! Sorry about your friend who passed.
I got him from a breeder along the Oregon/Washington Coast line in Astoria.
We haven't had Brahmas but we have a buff and a blue silkie and the blue is and always has been so crazy! Only meaning in a wild way, I started calling her Ninja because it was the only way I could describe how quickly she could jump from one spot to another in the brooder LOL! She's one of my favorites :)

Thank you! I think we're going to make a trip down there tomorrow!

I did first thing this AM, thank you for the idea... I hadn't thought of that until I saw it mentioned on here.

:( This was our first loss besides a few sick newborns and I'm pretty sure it will never be easy losing any of our chickens. I honestly never thought I'd say this as the whole chicken thing was my husbands idea but... Chickens are now my favorite animal! Shhhh... Don't tell my husband!

OOOoooo You have contracted Chicken Math! Look out! This all started for me when I bought a turkey as a gift for my guy..he wanted it, I DID NOT. One thing led to another and since then two incubators on my dining room table have been going non-stop! I absolutely love them and I've been having a good time trying to figure out which breeds are my favorite.
I have chicks right now that are for sale, but the only pullet in the age range you asked for that is for sale, is the Golden Lakenvelder I mentioned earlier.
We haven't had Brahmas but we have a buff and a blue silkie and the blue is and always has been so crazy! Only meaning in a wild way, I started calling her Ninja because it was the only way I could describe how quickly she could jump from one spot to another in the brooder LOL! She's one of my favorites :)

Thank you! I think we're going to make a trip down there tomorrow!

I did first thing this AM, thank you for the idea... I hadn't thought of that until I saw it mentioned on here.

:( This was our first loss besides a few sick newborns and I'm pretty sure it will never be easy losing any of our chickens. I honestly never thought I'd say this as the whole chicken thing was my husbands idea but... Chickens are now my favorite animal! Shhhh... Don't tell my husband!

Kinda hard to believe you can get so attachled to something so small
Ok, note to self, DO NOT take money to chicken shows or swap or chicken math will occur
Went to browse and really enjoyed looking at all the chickens at the show in Salem today. Saw Cloverleaf and DS workin' away. Then got buyers fever and brought home two bantam lavender ameracaunas (forget spelling tonight) for my daughter. I love blue colors (in eggs and chickens lol) so of COURSE daughter needs them, right?? Now, must be strong, must be strong, must be strong and chicken swap in two weeks (not). Do have to remember quarantine cage space is limited, lol. Hope a lot of you got to enjoy the show and those showing had good luck!
We just moved to Oregon :) I'd love to hear more about the chicken show you are referring to :)
http://www.pacificnorthwestpoultry.org/download/2012 fall show/2012 08 Winter Classic flier.pdf

I just made a trip down there with the kids today and LOVED seeing all the chickens! We are only about 4 months into our chicken journey so it was great to see and get to know more breeds :) You can also check out the thread for the show on BYC

OOOoooo You have contracted Chicken Math! Look out! This all started for me when I bought a turkey as a gift for my guy..he wanted it, I DID NOT. One thing led to another and since then two incubators on my dining room table have been going non-stop! I absolutely love them and I've been having a good time trying to figure out which breeds are my favorite.
I have chicks right now that are for sale, but the only pullet in the age range you asked for that is for sale, is the Golden Lakenvelder I mentioned earlier.
Hahahaha! Yes I did, you guys could have atleast told me it was contagious LOL!!! I didn't see this until after we went down to the show, my son had a football game this am and we only stopped at home for a quick change before getting on the road. I'll have to google and see what that breed is, still too new to know anything other than the ones we have. Do you breed your chickens? If so what breeds do you do? I would love to have someone local when we're ready to add to our flock, as long as I can get a RX for this chicken math thing I've contracted ;) Our plan is to stick with what we have without adding to it next year but the following year add a few and probably every other year from there on. My goal is to have staggered ages but we'll see how that works out LOL! My son found himself a baby today YAY! He got a Buff (I think) D'uccle and named her Pumpkin Pie, she's very sweet and tame and he just loves her! He stopped at the tree we burried his Buttercup under and told her that just because he got a new chicken it doesn't mean he doesn't love her and then told her she crumbled his heart like egg shells when she went to be with Jesus! So hard hearing how bad his heart was hurting but so cute and sweet and even a little funny hearing his descriptions :) I love my sweet little guy!!!

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