Organic feed for Broilers

I have been in the Natural and organic retail business for nearly 30 years now. I grow weary frankly of the constant debate about the merits of all of it.

It really has little to do with what each of us beleives, it has everything to do with the fact that there is a clear and growing market for organically grown food products. It has been the fastest growing segment of the food industry for many years now, and it continues to be true even in hard times.

I eat organic when I can, I am not pathological about it, but find it a better way for me to eat when possible.

We have a great ag system in this country and the beauty of it is that if you want to eat low cost food we can do that. If you want to pay a lot more and eat organic you can do that as well.

Its a wonderful thing
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

j.luetkemeyer :

I've been studying nutrition for 15 years and can vouch that an organic, whole food diet does prevent cancer. It may not be the organic food preventing it as much as it is a fact that the non-organic crap causes it. I'm not specifically talking about certified organic, I'm talking about growing and producing food as it was intended by its creator to be produced and grown. It's amazing how everyone talks about finding a cure for cancer when the answer is how to prevent it. This is the backwards mentality Americans have been brainwashed to have.

Can you cite the studies that prove what you can vouch for?​

There are plenty of studies that show that ingesting toxins will cause health problems. I'm not sure if you just don't believe that, or if you don't want to admit it, or what. If ingesting toxins is bad for you, it follows that it's better for you NOT to ingest toxins.

There is ample evidence that getting hit in the head can cause traumatic brain injury. I don't think you can find any studies that have been done to prove that not getting hit in the head prevents traumatic brain injury.

Likewise, it's pretty simple that you don't get poisoned by NOT ingesting or otherwise being exposed to poisons.

Cancer is not the only thing a person can get from pesticides. There are a large number of other problems associated with pesticide exposure.​
I do not dispute that direct ingestion of toxic substances caused health issues.

I dispute your contention that our food contains toxic substances.

I agree that pesticide exposure causes issues, but there is a huge difference between being doused with Atrazine while spraying crops and consuming chicken that ate feed that was made from corn that had been sprayed before the kernal was formed.

Before the widespread use of oil and it's many products of today, can everyone agree that in the 1800's, 1700's, 1600's and 1500's people farmed using "organic methods"and lived what we now call a pristine simple way of life? Ok , now I whent out and got my wife's family tree out ... and just looking at her female line, she traces back to John Campbell born in 1575 and his wife Mary Keith Campbell born in 1576 in Glenorchy, Scotland. Then in 1600's to Ireland and England , in 1700s, Va., RI., Ma., NY. in 1800's and 1900's to Canada, ND, Mn, Cal. etc. Interesting part is that in many instances there were from 5-10 children born and only 1-3 children survived past 5 years of age . Many times there were one or 2 children born and the mother and /or mother and child died in childbirth through the generations in their 20s or 30's. most of the adults died in their 30's or into their 40's. A couple lived to 64 and 66. Then in the early to mid1900's up to 10 children born and all survived and the mothers lived well into the 80's and now into 90's. Both her parents died at 92. Now these offspring had 2-4 kids and all are living and now are in their 30's. and living in all but 9 States. My parents came from Northern Europe in 1949. My father was one of 3 that lived past 5 years of age ( pheumonia) from 10 born ln late 1890's and early 1900's. Grangma died in childbirth at 44 years of age., grandpa at 67. My mother was one of 3 surviving past the age of 5 (pneumonia) out of 7 born. Her mother died at 87. Her father was killed in WW1. My father died at 91 and mother at 97. My mother's sister at 98 , and brother at 100. All died of old age and not a one of our parents or their siblings had any cancer. None of our cousins or our kids and their cousins do either. I wonder what caused this change in lifespan and good health to occur in our current polluted hazzard around every corner environment?.
BossRoo, i feel that you are misunderstanding the point that i (and others too, but i won't speak for them) am trying to make.

as i've said, multiple times now, i'm not arguing that technology is evil and should be abandoned completely. that is just ridiculousness. people died of all kinds of preventable or treatable things back in the "olden days." but that has very little to do with my assertion that organics, and old farming knowledge, are better for the environment and ourselves.

all you need to do is look at my DDT example. would we still be besieged by malaria in this country without DDT? it's possible. have we since learned that DDT is a TERRIBLE product that decimated natural animal populations and caused numerous other problems? YES.

i'm asking no one to go live without electricity and proper sanitation. i've not suggested that we should revert our entire lives to that of primitive man. or that we should try to live in some sort of chemical-fear induced bubble.

i merely argue that there are easy, safe, environmentally responsible, rewarding ways to combine old farming knowledge and a modern, convenient life. i believe this is better for us, the environment, and, in the long run, the dying American farming community.

you don't need to agree with me. i wish you would see the merit to what i have to say, but you are entitled to your own thoughts. but i don't appreciate the idea, that you seem to be expressing, that growing/feeding organically means that we all need to remove ourselves from the modern world, and die of "consumption" in the process.
The government has established limits on how much pesticide residue is permitted in food. Why would they do that, if there wasn't any?

The problem with the the allowable amounts of pesticides allowed in foods, is that they can accumulate, and they can interact with each other, and with other contaminants. Sometimes, these chemicals become much deadlier when combined, than they were alone.

There is no way to make the world safe. I wouldn't even try. Life is full of hazards, and that's just the way it is. There are, however, some hazards that are well documented, and can be avoided. If one chooses not to avoid them, that's their personal choice. It doesn't mean that another person is wrong if they do choose to avoid them.
I have had discussions about the merits of organic food production for over 30 years now. thirty years ago almost everone considered the "Organics" a fad. Now every trade magazine in America has some article or another on the subject.

There is no right or wrong. There is what one person or another considers a value. Many folks nearly 20% more per year for many years have considered organic a real value because that is how much this industry has been growing.

I have spoken many times to the conventional meat industry from the Natural and organic perspective and beleive me 20 years ago most thought I was a crack pot. Now some believe it to be a better way of production others think it is a necessry evil, but I can assure you that there is agreement that the organic movement is here to stay.

I will say again we have an awesome food system in this country some is sustainable some is not. Some organic production is sustainable some is not. I think the primary quesion we need to ask is if the system of production we are using can be sustained for many generations, whether that system is organic or otherwise.

I do beleive that we do have water systems and other ag systems that are stretched to the limits now days and we will be needing to figure out how to improve going forward.

Organic is one of the paths but is certainly not the entire solution


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