Origin of Not Eating the First Egg?


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
Texas Big Country
Okay, this comes up every once in awhile, but I was reading one of my favorite blogs tonight, and saw the question over there. (The author's pullets just started laying.) The few comments on the blog were along the lines of, "Huh?" Searching here on BYC, it seems the most common theory to not eating the first egg from a pullet (or hen, I guess) is the "medicated feed" excuse. I don't buy that. Of course, everyone has said that they ate their first egg, and lived to write about it! I include myself in tha...ACK!
Just kidding! They were on the small side, but delicious! Such a bright yellow color as well!

Seriously, I am convinced that this MUST be an old wives' tale. It has to have originated as some sort of superstition long before medicated feeds were even thought of. The problem I'm having is I can't find any references to it's origin, but will continue my search. (This post is part of that!)

Does anyone have any ideas?

I've never even heard of it. Maybe it is a regional thing.

No egg gets wasted around here. Although, I suppose the incidence of blood spots is higher in the first few eggs. That doesn't stop me from using them.
What does the blood spot mean? I gave a few eggs to a friend to try and she said there were blood spots in a couple of them. I never noticed anything except that most of the first eggs were double yolk, I used them in a pound cake and they were absolutely delicious! I don't think she used the eggs I gave her, so I won't be giving her any more! :eek:)
Unless its printed, in fine print, on the chicken's butt not to eat it...I don't believe it. Think of how many civilizations have had chickens and ate the first as well as all the following eggs.
i can understand (while i feel it is not valid) why that would make sense to some.

however, just as with humans, every egg a chicken will ever lay (or shed, in the case of humans) is present as it develops in its own egg before it hatches. they just start growing when a chicken reaches a certain age. it is the yolk that is present, not the rest of the egg. as it progresses through the chicken, it accumulates the albumin and shell.

if you process hens, you will see eggs ranging from a full sized yolk all the way to teeney, tiny yolk.

so, if the first egg were to be full of medication, they all would be full of medication
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