Our 22 month old rooster found dead this morning , is it ok to eat him?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 13, 2012
He was just like he was asleep, but dead.
I hung him up and skinned and gutted him, nothing obvious wrong with him.
So I roasted him in the oven for the dogs and he smells delicious, I thought this was a fitting tribute to him, but I suddenly wondered, is he safe to eat?
Quick someone let me know 'cos the dog is going crazy!!!!
Well, I guess if he is well-cooked it should be okay to feed it to the dog.
Hope so cos the dog just had a portion and I've frozen the rest! 8 more dinners there.

Sad though cos he was a beautiful rooster and I loved hearing him crowing in the morning, he was adorable, he free ranged in his 100 metre enclosure with his girls and he would coming running across to me every morning he was huge too bigger than most roosters a Rhode Island Red more like a small turkey. Maybe heart failure at that size?.
Wonder what happen to him,its just like he died in his sleep.
Still he had a happy life and a peaceful end, what more could a chicken ask for!!
Could have been cardiac failure. Your right about living the good life.

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