Our Basset Hound is Prego

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Mariah, if you can't get her spayed and abort, these buppies (yes I spelled that right) are going to have a tough time in life. Bassets have thick enough bones not to be as prone to injury as doxies are but with their weight combined with frailer/thinner bones there is going to be serious long term issues. And that's just going to be one of their problems.
If you can't afford the spay, contact a Basset rescue or doxie rescue ASAP, they should be able to either help steer you to a decent vet that will work something out with you, or help you some other way. Right now owner surrenders aren't taken because we are just TOO full but if you need help try them first. If you can't get in touch with a rescue, let me know, I know quite a few of the foster persons, intake coordinators and am a basset rescuer myself.

And whoever said doxie energy was higher than a basset....... would you like to borrow MY bassets? They'll be far more than glad to prove you wrong, well except for my basset in renal failure.... he'd rather lay on the cats.
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I've known some active Bassets, but I haven't yet met one that matches my friend's Doxie puppy!
i agree with every one else, i would take her to a vet before it's to late, a friend of our spent $2.500 on vet bills (c-section) ended up lossing the mom and all the pups.
Please get this dog a Mis-Mate shot or get her spayed since your Aunt and Uncle do not sound like responsible breeders and those are the only people who belong bringing more puppies into the world.
Her chance of complications is great.
Redyre who posted earlier about getting her spayed just spent THOUSANDS properly breeding a litter and has shown her dogs, done all the health clearences, etc. and she still had to rush her b.itch in for a c-section to save two puppies.
If you cannot commit to doing the right thing by this dog (i.e.; if she has a complication and needs a section, do you have the money for it? Doesn't matter if it's not your dog, she's in your care), and do you feel confident that you can place puppies into homes that will not bounce them around or abuse and neglect them or send them to the pound, etc? That is a tall order.
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I do have a Bass with Bull Terrier and she is high on energy as well as a JUMPER. She can jump over a 4 foot tall piece of plywood we used as a block to keep her in the diningroom. I do know TERRIERS and HOUNDS are GOOD MIX! The strong bones and structor of a hound with the motion, energy, else of a terrier are really good together.
She just had 8 pups 2 weeks ago and their dad is Beagle with Jack Russell. Both are Hound with Terrier which makes her puppies even stronger (what Vet said).
I dont see any reason to put the puppies down. Like I said, hound, bassette, and terriers, Duch, are/can be a real good mix. I wouldn't get any money off of them. I tried to get at least money to cover for their shots and vet coverage but out of luck on that.

Here is some pictures(taken a week ago) of the girls...




This world does not need more mixed breed accidental puppies.

A quick spay would solve the issue forever. The owner of the bi.tch is not responsible enough to know that she is in season and control her accordingly.

How is this person going to raise and responsibly place the puppies?

Answer is, they won't. More puppies. More shelter fodder.

Spay the dog.
I'm sure they will be cute. I would say just let nature take its course and let her have the pups. Mixed breed dogs are born everyday with no problems.
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