Our chickens!


6 Years
May 2, 2013
When I was much younger we lived n England in the late sixties and seventies we had about 25 chickens, all brown, laying large brown eggs. Best eggs ever. Until now. Today we live in CT and a friend gave us 3 chickens. It took a while for them to mature, settle in and start laying, but now we're getting 3 eggs a day. I now remember how good "home grown" eggs really are. Here are a couple of pics of the chickens, and the eggs they lay. The white one lays the mossy green egg (a color I have never seen before in eggs), the grey blue chicken lays the blue-green egg, and the dark one with the whitish collar lays the brown egg. I can't remember the breeds though.

Thanks for having such a fun and informative forum, and thanks looking!



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