Our Coop ...

I think you are VERY lucky to have chickens come pecking on your door! I would LOVE to be a chicken magnet!

You did the absolute right thing to join BYC and come looking for information and assistance. Some of us regular forum members come on a little bit strong because we're so passionate about our chickens and our own experiences. I think you did wonderfully for a total newbie, by putting a COVER over the run - a lot of people don't do that, and it keeps your chickens in and overhead predators from EASILY swooping down to get your chickens.

You do what you can as you can afford it. Just understand you might lose a chicken or few if your coop and run defenses aren't strong. Our suggestions are for the best possible situation and to help you avoid heartache from predator loss.

I think you're going to love watching "chicken TV" - which is time spent just observing their behavior because they're so much fun to watch. You'll come to love your chickens individually, I bet.

Good luck! Keep us appraised of your progress. Are you going to name your chickens? I know you wanted tips on how to make them more tame, so I guessed you might name 'em....
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Looks like an "Open Coop" to me.

Try looking at the tacky coop thread, you'd be amazed at some of the stuff we scrounge up for our chickens


You might find some helpful ideas on there... and you never know what might or might not come callin for your chicks.. You might be able to go 5 years with that set up, and never have a problem. I think it's a good summer start



BTW, I LOVE your rooster. We had one, before he passed of old age, and we called him Peacock because of the color shades on the tail.. Beautiful!!
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What a great start on a tight budget! Very creative. The nest boxes look very nicely built. Keep in mind that you are getting feedback here from many folks who have a wide variety of experiences. Some need fort knox coups to keep their birds safe from racoons and possoms. Some areas have a lot less predator problems. You are off to a good start. Keep up the creativity and you will learn a lot as you go. Best wishes!
I have been thinking about your nest boxes...if you put a door on them to lock the birds in at night, will they be too hot? The chickens need to have ventillation at night so they don't get too hot...so you might need to put some slits at the top so the warm air can get out.
I must say. . .

Way better coop than I managed when I started out not knowing anything about chickens!

Obviously you care about your new adopted flock's welfare and that's a most wonderful beginning.

Glad to have you join us here.
Having them roost in what are going to be their future nest boxes is not a good plan. They will be in the habit of roosting there and down the road when they do start to lay their eggs will be dirty since they poop where they roost.
Don't know if you're familiar with, or use, Craigs List, but they have a "free stuff" section which I check out often for various things that I might be able to use for the chickens (or my garden). I've even seen people giving away sheds, just wanted someone to come and haul them away. Just an idea. And the pallet coops are really creative too. Hang in there - you'll figure it out!

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