Our Little Roo?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
I'm fairly certain this is our little roo:

He keeps sitting on top of their waterer and watching over everything.

Have you ever had a chick express roo-like behaviors at 3-4 weeks?

Also, do you think we should name him Sir Reginald Cluckington or John Snow (because he looks like a crow)?
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I had a little room named wally that did that starting around 3 Weeks old :) it was cute.... until he began crowing at 5 weeks :lol:
I Love the name: Sir Reginald Cluckington, :D
If that is a barred rock, it seems dark for a boy, can you get a better picture? It may be an adventurous pullet.
When I get home I'll get another pic of both of them - we have one male and one female barred rock, we just have no idea which is which :D
You know, I think you were right - I think our percher's the girl.

Here's our probable (so far meek) male:
Your pictures are the first ones I've seen that I can actually plainly see the difference between the sexes. I have 2 BRs and I'm praying they are both hens. They are both my sweetest chicks and I'd be heartbroken if I had to give one or both away. My daughter is scared of roosters so I'm not keeping any. I've been too scared to post pictures on here to get gender input because I don't want anyone telling me they are likely roos


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