Our new "neighbor"


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Blountsville, ALabama
Ok so, I now have proof the Blueticks won't run off game. If they did I wouldn't be sleeping at night. This guy has set up residence under my back doorsteps. He has quite a den hole. The funny thing is that my sister who lives a mile away has one under her steps too. Is this just an Alabama thing or are the Dillers taking over the planet?
He's kinda cute. He reminds me of a oppossum in a armored car.

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I have seen them up close, but gun in hand and shot them. Hole diggers and tearing up the yard is what they like to do....and they multiply quite quickly!
i always thought they were slow and clumsy........... until I saw one haul butt ! They can run. I know they can swim also.... they look like they'd sink, hehe

i don't think you'd have to worry about getting an illness or everyone in the south would be sick...... wait, is that what's happened to us down here..... he he
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Wow! We are also in AL. I saw one today when out walking.

By the way, I looked up what they ate..and ants, and spiders are at the top of the list. They can eat a TON of ants.

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