Out of the mouth of babes!

My parents were always very lax about what movies we watched when we were little, even R rated ones. The rules were that we could not repeat any of the curse words we heard. My brother's favorite movie at the time was Terminator and he was maybe about two or so. He was playing with his little army men one day and while playing, he made one army man say a string of bad words I had never heard him say before to another army man. My parents were both shocked and hysterical. Anyways, he got yelled at and he wasn't allowed to watch Terminator for several months after that! I don't think either of us cursed again (At least never in front of our parents!)
My husband had my kids out somewhere and they were climbing up something that apparently I wouldn't have approved of. My youngest (I think he was 6 at the time), stopped and told my husband... "Do you know what Mom would say if she saw us up here? She would say, 'Get the he!! down from there'"! Now, I don't think I have ever said that to them, so I'm not sure where it came from, but it was pretty funny. We also had to talk to him about calling people a "git", after he heard it on Harry Potter.
I was driving when I heard my then 3 year old niece say, aw sh**. I asked her what she said and she looked at me all angelic and said, Shreck! My husband begged me not to tell her mom because he thought she should be given credit for coming up with something so convincing so quick.

When my DD was very young, maybe 3 or 4, all she wanted for Christmas was a barbie doctor. Now this thing was about £15 just for one little doll, and we were not well off. She had had several other barbie dolls, but each time she would forget to put them away and the dog would use them as a chew toy. My husband told her that Santa would only get her a new one if she could prove she could look after the ones she had.

On returning home one night in December we were greeted at the door by the dog holding a decapitated barbie head in its mouth! My daughter reached out and grabbed our spaniel by his big ears, lent really close up to his face and said - You killed Barbie you b****rd, now Christmas is f*****d!

We were so shocked, we didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Having gained our composure both the dog and our daughter were sent to bed with a sore backside and my husband was careful never to leave our dd in the crew room with his army buddies until she was old enough to understand not to repeat everything she heard!
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My mother in law taught my son to flip the birdie. One day during one of the family gatherings, my husband and his sister were getting into an arguement (don't be surprise, there is never a family gathering without some kind of rumble), after they finally chilled out, my son went up to his aunt and flipped her the birdie and told her to leave his daddy alone.
That didn't help the situation at all!

I had a LLLLOOOONNNNGGG talk with my MIL about teaching the kids stuff like that. I even threatened her that if she doesn't knock it off, I will NOT allow her to see the kids EVER again. She never doubted my threats.
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I don't think I've ever laughed so hard, I'm crying so much that I can hardly see to type.... My husband and I have always said that if we have kids, we'll know who they learned the bad words from, because he's American and I'm English, so let's just say that our choices of profanities differs....
My sisters, mom, niece and I were in Florida vacationing -- swimming in the pool with my 4 year old nephew when he starting singing the ABC's.
Well it went like this A B C D Son a B***CH. We all about drowned trying not to laugh. the pool was pretty crowded, he actually got applause.
I try to keep my language "Rated G" but on occasion when I get angry I may say a word that is not appropriate.
I then get a lecture from one or of my daughters which are ages 12 and 10. I guess what is good for the goslings is good for the gander. I would rather have them lecture me than me trying to correct them for their bad language.

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