Over breeding caused injury on hen

drake we thought it was a female well after all "her" sister hens were laying we thought maybe she was stunted and then hubby went out this winter and he was viciously raping ALL the chickens every 10 seconds hubby put off the culling for two weeks and in that time the buff was ravaged so bad all her back feathers were gone and the roos were not much better ( when its nice the free range and have room we never had any issue) its our first year needless to say we learned a lot about chicken rape -_-
drake we thought it was a female well after all "her" sister hens were laying we thought maybe she was stunted and then hubby went out this winter and he was viciously raping ALL the chickens every 10 seconds hubby put off the culling for two weeks and in that time the buff was ravaged so bad all her back feathers were gone and the roos were not much better ( when its nice the free range and have room we never had any issue) its our first year needless to say we learned a lot about chicken rape -_-
Very tough lesson to learn, but being willing to take care of the problem made you a hero to the hen who was abused. And I'm sure tranquility has once again entered the flock.
i hope so i love my flock! best pets ever! we kept one nice roo he eats out of our hands!
I love my roo's and will only keep the gentlemen, I love the way they look out for their girls and give out the warning call when danger is around. Even the ducks appreciate them for that. Even if they are slower to respond.
isnt that crazy! at the start of the year we had 2 ducks and a lot mor chickens but the neighbor dogs ( red hound like pups) raided our flock twice :( but it was like they all had an understanding with each other about were to go and when to run to the coop. be it the head duck or head roo.
As soon as I found the problem I took the hen out. She is currently in the bathtub. I was trying not to have to butcher drakes because they all have a home with a pond in the spring, but I guess I have no choice to do that. :(
I'm a bit upset, I came on here for help because I am new to this and now have been made feel like I am just plain neglectful. Thank you for those with advice on how to treat the medical issue of this case. I understand that she cannot be with the drakes anymore.
As soon as I found the problem I took the hen out. She is currently in the bathtub. I was trying not to have to butcher drakes because they all have a home with a pond in the spring, but I guess I have no choice to do that. :(
I'm a bit upset, I came on here for help because I am new to this and now have been made feel like I am just plain neglectful. Thank you for those with advice on how to treat the medical issue of this case. I understand that she cannot be with the drakes anymore.
DuckCommander, I used strong language because I was not sure you understood the seriousness of the situation. And I chose to err on the side of being too emphatic. It is good that you have separated her. Perhaps you can rehome the drakes. Have you considered posting a thread in the rehoming forum? This is one of the difficult parts with ducks. I do not think you deliberately did anything wrong. Another possibility is to rehome her, and keep a drake flock.

Meanwhile, I hope we can hear from you about her progress. What treatment have you decided to use?

I'm sorry that you are feeling like we view you as neglectful. I don't think anyone has intended to cause those feelings in you, but we have seen injuries like this before and we know that they are preventable. So we are still here and willing to try to help you and your duck, so I do hope that you will post back with what you are doing to help your duck heal. The reason why this is important is that in the future, someone might visit here looking for answers about how to deal with an injury similar. That is another reason why I always include warnings about ratios.

I'm sorry that you are feeling like we view you as neglectful. I don't think anyone has intended to cause those feelings in you, but we have seen injuries like this before and we know that they are preventable. So we are still here and willing to try to help you and your duck, so I do hope that you will post back with what you are doing to help your duck heal. The reason why this is important is that in the future, someone might visit here looking for answers about how to deal with an injury similar. That is another reason why I always include warnings about ratios.
Thank you, I know I'm super sensitive. lol.

I have been applying a triple antibiotic cream, but she keeps preening and it doesn't stay on long. :S
Thank you, I know I'm super sensitive. lol.

I have been applying a triple antibiotic cream, but she keeps preening and it doesn't stay on long. :S
Put some unpasteurized ACV into her drinking water honestly it really helps with healing and also helps kill bacteria and works as a tonic, if she can wash her face in this water. 1-2 tab to 1 gallon of water.
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