Over Plucked Pullet!


Aug 2, 2019
My hens have been caught plucking the crest of my White Crested Polish pullet. It wasn't bad before but now my Polish has a bald spot and a little blood. It doesn't look bad but I don't want it to get worse.
Should I separate her? This is the first time I've had this problem. None of my other Polish birds are being targeted.

What is the best approach?
Yes. I would keep her in a wire crate, but definitely keep her with the flock. When her crest grows back, you may want to trim her “bangs.” Do you know if one hen is the instigator? If so, another method would be to remove the bully (out of sight) for a couple days so she gets knocked down in the pecking order. I’d try the wire crate for the pullet first. Is there a lower ranked hen who might be ok in there with her?
Yes. I would keep her in a wire crate, but definitely keep her with the flock. When her crest grows back, you may want to trim her “bangs.” Do you know if one hen is the instigator? If so, another method would be to remove the bully (out of sight) for a couple days so she gets knocked down in the pecking order. I’d try the wire crate for the pullet first. Is there a lower ranked hen who might be ok in there with her?
Thank you so much. All the birds are settled and sleeping now (it's late), so I'll bring out the crate early tomorrow.

As for instigating, I thought it was one, but it is at least two. Both Buff Orpingtons eho have never displayed any signs of bullying until now.
My other two Polish birds are untouched. Why is little Darlin being singled out?
As for lower ranking- the ranks usually go Fred (large Brahma) then my BOs, then the rest of the adults are pretty equal.

I have two flocks, each kept separate. Not ideal but it seems to work. When free ranging, they do their own thing and head to their respective quarters at the end of the day. It's always worked.

Darlin was in the first group but was instantly battered to the point of bleeding despite the slow integration attempt. She's been with the second group for weeks without so much as a scuffle... until now.

After giving her time to heal, what next? Crate the 'meanies' for a while?
non crested birds can pick on a crested bird no matter how docile they are for some strange reason, those crests seem to be like the proverbial red flag for the bull, or in my case oops I wore the wrong shoes outside with the chickens and the rooster attacked my shoes. Chickens are odd sometimes. The others have already given suggestions of what I would do, the instigators are the ones to be put in time out/aka chicken jail.
non crested birds can pick on a crested bird no matter how docile they are for some strange reason, those crests seem to be like the proverbial red flag for the bull, or in my case oops I wore the wrong shoes outside with the chickens and the rooster attacked my shoes. Chickens are odd sometimes. The others have already given suggestions of what I would do, the instigators are the ones to be put in time out/aka chicken jail.
Thank you. I will work on this starting in the morning.
Is she the only one with a white crest? Could be they are drawn to that. Sometimes, unfortunately, a bird may be singled out if they are sick or weak. Hopefully that’s not the case here.
She is the only one with a white crest. But she is also healthy and the tallest, most robust of the three Polish. My 2 black crested Polish birds are untouched with large flouncy crests.

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