over ripe bananas

Well, I gave the girls the over ripe bananas this morning and they weren't very excited once they tasted them. I think they may have been a bit too over ripe. I peeled them and put them in a bowl. We'll see, maybe once they realize there's nothing better coming they'll eat them.
Oh, they will eat them. The only thing mine really light into is cottage cheese, but everything else is usually cleaned up when I come back a few hours later (they get free-choice commercial feed, so they're never forced to eat the other stuff).

Apple seeds are no problem. The amount of cyanide is miniscule, and it does not accumulate in the body like other poisons, so there is no danger of toxicity over time. Flax has the same cyanide precursors and plenty of us feed flax to increase omega 3's in the eggs with no problems.
Thanks for the great link. The simple break down is just what I need. I've heard that potato skins were bad. Tried the stringy stuff off bananas when they were little thinking they'd might need some pre-worm training. They didn't bite. When it came time to throw a worm in, they all lined up in unison and just stared at it. Esther eventually figured it out, and now Ruth slurps them down. I think it still surprises her when she does it. Kevin is partial to moths. Non of them like ants which is really too bad (every once in a while i get a huge-a-mongous pile on my sidewalk). At a little over 10 wks old, my girls aren't so much interested in grownup food aka my food, although a couple days ago they discovered that they LOVE watermelon. Of course, I eat the good n juicy red part and leave the rest to them. They were shy at first... but boy! A stellar hit on a 90 degree day.
The over ripe bananas never passed the taste test. Sat there in the bowl all day so I moved them to the compost pile. I will try again with bananas that are not quite so far gone.

razmond - Yes it is too bad they don't like ants..... I've got carpenter ants in several pines around here and they are everywhere. Go figure, the one insect that I've got plenty of they don't eat.....
I found an ant hill, used the shovel to dig out a wee bit of the ants and grubs, and the girls LOVED them! Two of the 3 like yoghurt, and none of them as yet will go near worms. They all love moths, though. They are 4 weeks old now...
Put them in with yogurt or oatmeal and I bet they acquire the taste for them. Mine love overripe banana's all by themselves. I like the frozen banana idea though.

Cooked potatoes are fine, just not raw. (they have a toxin) They'll also eat watermelon rind, cantaloupe, strawberries, etc. Bread is a huge hit too.
We have been ripening apricots all week. I fed them the over ripe ones and they loved them. All that was left was a pile of pits. I was however, worried about my duck s getting them. They ate pits and all! They seem fine, but how do they get rid of them if they do get seeds or pits?
From what I understand with apricots/peaches, it's the seed inside the pit that contains the chemical that can release cyanide. All these seeds are designed to travel through digestive systems undigested, so while it is true there are tiny amounts of cyanide available in apple/apricot/peach seeds it is not ingestible simply by eating whole seeds.

Consider that you can buy 100Kg of peaches if you so desired, if it were a possible hazard do you think the govt. would allow it to be freely sold? Although a contrarian view would point out that tobacco & alcohol DO contain highly toxic substances and are still sold, but their sales are controlled (to a small degree).

I'm sure a duck could could pass a whole apricot pit, with a push - ouch !

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