Overweight roo!


7 Years
Feb 23, 2016
I recently got 2 cornish cross( roo and hen) and a welsummer hen. The rooster is it least 20 lbs. He gets out of breath sometimes and can barely run. He’s very sweet and so is the hen. They’re just so big! Does anyone have any advice on how to help bring their weight down. I was told they were free range. They will stay free range, I’m going to try to limit their food.
How old are they? Cornish crosses are meat birds and bred to get big quick. They usually have very short life spans and will over eat if food is available. I'm not trying to be a downer but it doesn't look good for them if they are already that big. Hopefully someone else has better advice but I suggest you research cornish cross chickens. It's crazy how big they can get in a short amount of time. Good luck with them!
How old are they? Cornish crosses are meat birds and bred to get big quick. They usually have very short life spans and will over eat if food is available. I'm not trying to be a downer but it doesn't look good for them if they are already that big. Hopefully someone else has better advice but I suggest you research cornish cross chickens. It's crazy how big they can get in a short amount of time. Good luck with them!
They are suppose to be a year old. They’re very sweet, especially the rooster. He’s trying his best to be a protector, he just can’t really run. I’m hoping I can help him with his weight so he can live a somewhat good life.

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