OVERWHELMED with CRAaaaaaap!!!!

Sorry no bad news to share we are doing pretty good. Oh unless you count 3 to many roosters and air conditioner compresser on DHs truck going out. $1200. to repair/replace. We have not driven a vehicle with air conditioning for the last 20+ years. He bought this truck several months ago and that was one of his must haves. Then he went around bragging about having A/C to anybody who would stand still, That A/C worked for 6 weeks. I told him all that bragging would bite him in the butt.
All in all I would say we are very blessed! I'll keep you in our prayers.

I SOOO knew this post would be fun and get me outta my funk!

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been there...had that (almost exact) conversation with my MIL who gave us notice on a Friday that they (she and the FIL who had dementia) would be moving into our house on Tuesday. They lived with us over a year. One of the things that kept me from strangling my MIL...and I assure you, there were days she lived on grace...was remembering that having few options is scary. Not feeling in control is scary AND at some point my MIL lost her emotional elasticity. She'd just had all that she could take and was doing her best. Doesn't mean you don't want to wrap your fingers around their throat and choke'em.

A friend of mine calls days like this "opportunities for victory" and she oughta know. I threatened to give her a bumper sticker that reads, "Job ain't got nuttin' on me." Life right now can be so very challenging. It's good to vent and it's good to have friends. Even Job grump about what when on in his life to his buds. I think we'd go nutters if we didn't have friend and couldn't vent.
.....now I must get ready to go to the sweat shop and make the proverbial bacon
Don't stop though...I may need more funny when I get home
BYC has made my day(yet again)
You and I think alike.
There's not one here but there was a Senior Center in our old town. I took her there once to go look at it and she agreed to come back. I was hoping she'd make some friends. I brought her back three times. She refused to get out of the car, even with the center's director there with me offering that we'd both stay with her and show her around, etc. She won't go to church, she won't cook or help cook or plan meals (which I thought would be a good way to ensure she could eat her favorites, too, you know?). I think it's mostly some mental issues coming in to play that are now affecting her personality.

I've tried telling her to just come watch me (prepare and can food, sew, come to the library and find some books, whatever) and see if she'd be interested in helping or learning and she won't. I'm going to ask her doctor to reevaluate her because I'm sure a lot of it is mentally related/caused but until I know for sure and have their consensus, I'm left not knowing if she's truly having swings that she's unaware of or if she's really miserable and lying to us about it or what.

I love her or she wouldn't be in our home, but the back and forth stuff is totally confusing when you're trying to determine someone's wants and what would be better for them.
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Oh, no! As soon as you said he'd finally bought one with A/C I knew where you were headed.
Poor guy!

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