OXINE seems fabulous. Users please share usage, dosage, storage, etc.

How often as a preventative? Is it safe for turkeys as well?
What about using it in the brooders between batches?

You can use it for just about anything; spraying and wiping down your kitchen countertops to cleaning your incubators, brooders, coops... turkey's and chickens. Mix 1/8 teaspoon per gallon of water. Fill your spray bottle with the mixture and use a very fine mist to spray over the heads of your turkey's 3 times a day for 10 days if you're dealing with a respiratory/fungal disease.
Hey I noticed lots of folks having issues with their sprayers or humidifiers in this thread. I thought I might suggest a reptile humidifier.
I actually plan to buy one tomorrow to try out on a sick hen quarantined in a crate.
Last time I had sick hens I sprayed the coop out something fierce with Oxine in my paint sprayer. It was saturated. Even blasted out the spiders. Then I misted the hens and the coop twice daily with a quart size sprayer. I also added garlic and ACV to water and more garlic to treats. All runny nose and sneezing symptoms cleared in two days but I kept up this course for a week.

But I was dissatisfied with how wet the hens got ...so this time I thought about the dog crate + reptile humidifier solution.
I still plan to gently mist my coop and other hens for a few days - just not saturate everything like before.

I can't sing the praises of Oxine and Garlic enough.
Great, great, great ideas and info. Awesome
There are several places that sell it listed on the Fungal Infections page on PoultryPedia.com, but they all sell through mail order.
Currently the least expensive I know of is DRJ Health, the main distributor rep that works with Bio-Cide (the manufacturer of Oxine).
Thank you for this thread, I found a supplier in Canada after many phone calls and emails. Ordering today. Hope this will solve my problem.
Does this kill all the good bacteria as well. What would have to be done to get the good bacteria back.

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