-Pack Foxes- A Role-play

Name: Namib
Age: 15 winters
Rank: Hunter
Pack: Desert
Personality: Reserved, fiercely protective, careful
Mate: Open
Pups: To be born
Backstory: Namib is pregnant (at the time of the creation of this charrie), her pups' father long deceased. She has never been a mother before and is unsure how she will handle pups; she may reject them. Namib was destined to be a hunter from a young age; she always caught the food her and her siblings ate. Namib was rejected by her mother as a young Vixen. As such, she is very reserved and tends to literally run away from most attempts to get to know her. She isn't good at following directions and sometimes, trouble follows her. In the Desert Pack, Namib hangs back. Often she will hide. Namib is strictly an ambush hunter; she lays in waiting for the right moment to jump her prey. Only when she is forced to will she confront an attacker; often she leaves the fighting to others.

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