Pair of Rabbits..dumb TSC


11 Years
May 23, 2008
I bought these 2 at TSC. They said that the rabbits were rexs. After some investigation and some friendly photos from other BYC members, i have decided that they are NOT Rexs. I'm hoping for satin or any other meat breed. Whiskers are straight. The fur around their noses and eyes is a darker shade of brown. Its very hard to see in these photos. They have a definite stripe down their backbone. Any other info needed please ask.

PLEASE TAKE A GUESS IF YOU'VE EVER OWNED RABBITS. Comparison photos are welcome. Thanks


mutts; not to be rude, but they're mixed breed. The only way to get pure bred anything is to get it from a breeder, and a breeder that will certify their lineage with papers.
As you have found out, they are not Rex.
They look like maybe mixed breed rabbits. They look to have very long and large ears. This will mean that they should grow to be a large type rabbit. They should work well for you to produce meat rabbits with.

You had mentioned that you intended to breed them, but you think that they are both girls. With the colors being so close, and coming from TSC, I would bet that they are siblings, so you wouldn't want to breed them to each other anyway.

They are very cute, and look healthy.

I suggest you look for a Californian or New Zealand buck to use for breeding. I prefer the Californian, but that is just me.

Edited to add: I don't think they are Satins either. A Satin will have a sheen to the hair and it will be extremely soft.

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Not rex at all. I would think they may be a satin mix or something like that. They arent anything full. The ears are pretty long so I dont know what breed that would have come from. The fur is no where near rex fur at all. They look kind of fluffy!!
* With rabbits, a lot of qualities go into an acceptable standardized breed. There are differences in fur, ears, body type, weight/length/size, colors and patterning-- and these are just for starters. . . If yours are 'fluffy' as the previous poster said, they may have some angora in the mix, among other things.
I second the previous post from Rafter 7 Paint Horse. Those are going to be a large breed rabbit. Not pure bred though. I would guess possibly some New Zealand in them.
Im pretty sure these are a satin mix. I dont know with what. The ears are big, I would almost wonder if there was some checkered giant in them. The way the stripe is down the back. How old are they?
Hmmm, they might be part Satin, but they also kind of look like lops that haven't "lopped" yet. I used to have lops and satins and it does look like they are mutts. Cute though. Boys or girls?

Edit, after looking around, maybe English Spot?
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They look like Mini Lop crosses to me. I used to raise Mini Lops and once I had an accident with my pet Dutch rabbit (someone thought it was funny to put the boy with the girl it wasn't me) and her babies came out looking like that.

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