Pallet Coop Add-on...Almost Done (1-25-09)

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This is a warning. Check your PM box, Chicken Coop.​
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I will just let the Mods handle this one. Someone thinks they can join with both guns blasting evidently.
This is SUCH a great idea! I'm going to show it to my husband, there are free pallets right down the road all the time, really nice sturdy ones too! Thanks for posting!
Thanks for sharing all your photos in this thread. I, like everyone else, am really enjoying the build. Congrats on a beautiful coop!
I love the idea of reusing the pallets rather than burning or grinding them. If more people were able to do this on a regular basis, it really would make an impact on our natural resources. Plus, it's just really cool. I love the link to the pallet shed, fences etc. Very neat to see what could be done with pallets. Now if I could only get my hands on some.

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