Parakeet gender

Just the "young" ones at Petco, lol. I'm going to wait till late summer before I get one because I'm busy right now, so it's no emergency. I just want to know because I'm wanting to get a male. :)
Just the "young" ones at Petco, lol. I'm going to wait till late summer before I get one because I'm busy right now, so it's no emergency. I just want to know because I'm wanting to get a male. :)
i have found that the pet stores tend to always have more males than females in stock. when i found my female at petsmart, she was actually banded.
The Petco ones are pretty easy because they’re usually old enough to sex I think or close. And sometimes they have older ones too. I purposely got the two older ones when I got mine. The boy had a deep blue cere and the girl was kinda crusty brownish, both mature or close to it, plus they were really pretty colors, different than the rest, and the boy was really friendly, so I picked them so yeah. You can usually tell pretty well with the pet store birds.

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