Parish Council Treating Geese Poorly

Well things have got more interesting.

Turns you Beyton Parish Council broke the law (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) when they released the geese on the village green. Not only that but they were informed about the law and continued anyway. They also claimed that they were not going to spend public money on releasing the geese. After looking through the public audited accounts that turns out to be another lie.

Here is the video explaining the law that they broke and the money that they have spent.

Oh and just to point out another lie

"The Geese have lived on the Green for 40 years"

They haven't lived on the village green for 40 years, they lived on a farm with a farmer providing food, freshwater and shelter. They would sometimes visit the green to graze. The farm is now a housing estate.
Who is the person addressing the council? in this video?
Just a member of the public who is concerned with how the geese are being treated and how the council has been acting.

The excuse the council have made for not feeding the geese is.....

"they would lose their survival instinct"

Thats how hard it is to reason with these people.
Just a member of the public who is concerned with how the geese are being treated and how the council has been acting.

The excuse the council have made for not feeding the geese is.....

"they would lose their survival instinct"

Thats how hard it is to reason with these people.
They do seem to have no idea about how to care for domestic geese. I like what the other person said about doing research on caring for domestic geese but I tell you I'd have to go ahead and care for them myself and hope that others that care about their well being would join in until these people get their act together, but if they have broken the law then someone needs to report them. I could never wait till these folks decided to do something to care for them.They may never change their mind set but the geese still need to be cared for.
It gets even worse.

They have a sign up on the village green saying don't feed the geese. They have also written a letter to someone who they thought were feeding the geese threatening them with legal action if they continued. All because some old bloke feeds the geese some vegetable scraps on the way home from his work.

The problem they have is that all these geese are creating quite a lot of mess. There is excrement all over the play area. They think by feeding the geese the problem will somehow get worse.

They feel that they can't re-home the geese as they have spent so much money on getting them, plus they would be admitting fault. Its a mess and all a created by their own ego's.

The whole thing is totally absurd

I will post the next meeting in a months time and we can see what research they have done. In the meantime feel free to email them with some suggestions on how to care for domestic geese.

They can be contacted on using the email address below

We'll just keep plugging along and maybe one of these days they will see how important it is to care for these domestic geese.
Yes geese do create quite a bit of mess and surely don't need to be kept on the village green where they have access to the play ground.
All they have to say is "Because geese are messy we have decided to rehome them to a place where they will be cared for and give the green back to the people of the village to enjoy. "That's not admitting defeat, but actually using common sense.
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First of all did You know John personally who lived on the farm who bought some of the geese for his daughter as a Christmas present 40 years ago. He sadly has just passed away so unless you know the full facts from his mouth you know nothing. The geese have access to clean drinking water but have chosen not to drink from it and there drinker has been sat by there shelter for over 3 months. So Beyton Geese do you want these poor animals caged unable to roam and be happy as they are. domestic chickens can walk for miles and would prefer to roost in a tree than go in there house even in the snow. If these animals where not healthy they would be dead. If they get attacked by a dog then the owner of the dog can be prosecuted as they are breaking the law and the country side code. This is getting stupid petty and it is NOT about the geese's welfare.
9 geese from the original flock are dead, 1 goose from the flock that the Council released is dead. None of these animals died from natural causes.

2 geese were hit by a white van a few days ago but luckily survived. One is still limping around the green. Do you really think 10 geese dead is a good track record? You think they are being well cared for and people who are concerned about their welfare have nothing to complain about? remember, 10 very young geese are already dead.

This is all about the welfare of the geese. You can put as many geese as you want on the village green but you have to look after them, Its that simple. They are domestic geese and they need to be provided with food, shelter and fresh water. The upturned bucket is a start but its a poor effort, the tray is so small its questionable if they can can get their beaks in to use it. They needed water this summer when there was nothing but a dirty pond to drink from.

The shelter is another poor effort, it fits 3 geese when there are 14 on the green. Are you saying that you think that the geese should not have protection from the elements because chickens prefer to roost in a tree compared to a house?

They need food and shelter during the winter and most importantly they need protection from all of the cars. Build a pen where they can roam all over the green, give them fresh water and feed them everyday.

You are talking about the past. Before they had a farm to live on and they were provided food, shelter and water. The farm is now a housing estate. These geese have no place being released onto a village green surrounded by busy roads.

Why don't you fence the geese off to protect them and provide them with food, water and shelter? Everyone could then appreciate these animals and they would be safe from harm.
Another goose is dead. That makes 2 geese dead from the flock of 15 that Beyton Parish Council released. The goose wasn't even a year old. Remember these geese have a life expectancy of 22-24 years. All what is left is a pile of ripped up feathers on the village green. You still want to claim these are happy "healthy" geese? now they are dead!

Are you starting to see that it is about the welfare of the geese? Are you sure that they would be more happy roaming free so they can be attacked and eaten?

These geese need to be in an enclosure and have a fence to protect them. They are not safe on an open village green and what you doing is a cruel form of slaughter.
First of all did You know John personally who lived on the farm who bought some of the geese for his daughter as a Christmas present 40 years ago. He sadly has just passed away so unless you know the full facts from his mouth you know nothing. The geese have access to clean drinking water but have chosen not to drink from it and there drinker has been sat by there shelter for over 3 months. So Beyton Geese do you want these poor animals caged unable to roam and be happy as they are. domestic chickens can walk for miles and would prefer to roost in a tree than go in there house even in the snow. If these animals where not healthy they would be dead. If they get attacked by a dog then the owner of the dog can be prosecuted as they are breaking the law and the country side code. This is getting stupid petty and it is NOT about the geese's welfare.
Another goose is dead. That makes 2 geese dead from the flock of 15 that Beyton Parish Council released. The goose wasn't even a year old. Remember these geese have a life expectancy of 22-24 years. All what is left is a pile of ripped up feathers on the village green. You still want to claim these are happy "healthy" geese? now they are dead!

Are you starting to see that it is about the welfare of the geese? Are you sure that they would be more happy roaming free so they can be attacked and eaten?

These geese need to be in an enclosure and have a fence to protect them. They are not safe on an open village green and what you doing is a cruel form of slaughter.
Kind of like an Ostrich that sticks their head in the sand. So very sad.
I know its just sad. I don't know why they thought that releasing more geese on the village green would lead to a different outcome than the last flock that were killed off. Now they just keep on trying to defend their actions instead of just taking care of the geese or just giving them away to someone look after them properly.

Instead the geese will be picked off one by one.

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