Partial purple comb and slime?

Is she still eating and drinking? Chickens can deal with cold temps well as long as they are dry, free from drafts, and are eating well (they generate body heat by digesting their food). If her appetite is off, I’d keep her inside for the cold weather.
I would like to start off saying that I am in no way an expert, but the slime coming out of the beak may be a symptom of some sort of crop problem like sour crop? I don’t know, but pictures would be helpful for those that may be able to help. I have read that if you are wondering if she is egg bound you should give her a tablet of calcium to help her get it out. It wouldn’t hurt, but it may benefit. It is good that you noticed quickly and that she is still being active. Good luck with her. I hope someone sees this that can help.​
I felt her crop its not full or hard, It feels much like a bean bag.
Is she still eating and drinking? Chickens can deal with cold temps well as long as they are dry, free from drafts, and are eating well (they generate body heat by digesting their food). If her appetite is off, I’d keep her inside for the cold weather.
All the hens eat and drink together I have her isolated inside, she can't be that lethargic lol. I had to chase her to get her
Did you happen to accidentally press on her crop when handling her before the clear slime came out of her beak? That can happen if the crop is full. Do you have a picture of her and her comb? Combs can become darkened on the tips or toward the back normally, depending on excitement or temperature In large combed chickens especially. Is her tail position up or down? How does her crop feel now, and can you feel of it early in the morning after she goes all night without food and water? Does she sound congested at all, have you seen any mucus on her nostrils, or bubbles/foam in either eye?
no weezing, sneezing or bubbles. crop feels like a slightly deflated bean bag. Ill grab a photo once I'm home again.
Her tail wasn't down like a typical egg bounding.

this is all i have, its horrible quality because its from a video
Respiratory issue maybe?
If that gets ruled out, try and open her mouth to see if anything is stuck in her throat. I’ve seen chickens combs turn purple and that usually means that the bird isn’t getting enough oxygen.


heres some curemt photos, the slime is like this mucus liquid inside her beak, that bubble is from her shaking her head as we tried to open her mouth. she is not sneezing or coughing. shes pooping so she can't be eggbound. but I imagine whatever this slimey liquid is, that its making it hard for her to swallow but she won't tolerate much of us messing with her head
It looks like drainage from her nostril, probably from a respiratory infection. Those can be from viruses, bacteria, or even fungus. Since her comb color is not great, I would try to get her on some antibiotics in case of a bacterial infection. Tylan 50 injectable given orally, Tylosin powder, or oxytetracycline (LA 200) given as an injection may be used. The first and last may be found at feed stores with syringes and needles, while the middle one is found online at some pigeon stores.Those will treat mycoplasma (MG.) Make sure that she is warm, and in a place with good ventilation. Chickens with respiratory diseases need extra warmth while sick.
its honestly coming from her mouth, theres nothing draining from her nose...
I will do my best to pick all that up tomorrow but with it being so close to Christmas it'll be hard 😪

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