Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

Thanks for the kind words. Sometimes it really helps make it worth all that packing and emailing etc etc. I'm always delighted to hear that someone got some really nice birds. Just heard from a gal today that she hatched ALL pullets! Think the odds of that happening are one in a zillion
Now if I could just have one of those hatches. I never thought about putting a leaky black into the partridge pen, but would love to hear more about how it's working out for people. I think sonoran mentioned that the first generation would have less penciling?
It wouldn't let me open the page????

It's set to "everyone". Man sometimes FB really blows

I don't know how to fix it. If you want, I'll friend you. Several folks have done that. It's just so tedious to upload one pic at a time on here.
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So, what's everyone up to this Gorgeous morning (I mean that as a joke)? The weather sucks here so I will be out in the barn and garage building more pens and cages. I have my 5 beautiful partridge Silkies that I will be showing on my porch in the stall temporarily. Those are the one's Connie fell in love with. No more outside for them. They have to start acting like grownups now and getting ready for the shows. I have my ABA leg bands so I have to put those on. Poor babies. The fun is over. Ya know it's kind of like us. We live free of responsibility for a few years and then start school, go to high school, for some of us college, get married, raise a family, etc. The only difference is with chickens it happens much quicker. So, it's time that the kids get ready for school. No more sunshine and frolicking in the dirt and mud. I am building individual cages for the show ladies and gents, pens for growing out the babies & pens for the sale birds. How does everyone work theirs? I feel bad for them because they so like going outside, but the sun does damage to their feathers.
If you look at the 1st. picture on this thread you will see the results of a leaky black as the daddy. Connie took a look at my pullets yesterday and made a very nice comment on my girls. I only got the Watson brothers (they are twin boys (again first picture). I will post more pictures of the girls so you can see the penciling. There's no lack of it at all. GM was the one that told me to do it to get the black chest.
Chris!!! I didn't know that you were on here!!! That's awesome!! Connie and I had a great time yesterday and she said so many nice things about you. Isn't it fun sitting in the pens and playing with all of the birds? I'm going to have to take a super bright light and magnifying glass to find the red in the little started pullet that I got from her, but I don't doubt her that's for sure. Did you see that 1 year old cockerel that has the gold neck? I'm picking him up in the fall and I am just SO tickled. I picked up a tiny little partridge chick, 2 blacks with leakage and then some off colored ones that came from her paint program that I am going to use to work on calico. Your girls should be ready to show this fall. I am going to put them together in a small pen and keep them in like with my others. I mentioned that in another post. Connie loves them by the way.
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I have had 3 chicks hatch in the last 3 days. These came from my Premier hen (she came out of Connie's blacks) and my black cockerel with red leakage. I usually get 50% blacks from this. So far 2 partridge and 1 black. These babies are the quietest chicks I have ever had. They never make any noise!!! They are all healthy - or so it seems, they just don't make noise. Even when you pick them up they make these tiny little cheeps. They don't scream like you are pulling their wings off. I have 26 more eggs in the incubator. About 2/3 of them are from my the partridge and the rest are from my white pair from Connie.

Sorry I was washed out last night and didn't explain very well.

I meant a showcase box to take pictures of my babies to show potential buyers and hang pictures up in my Silkie Barn.

So you think Blue for partridge? I have Dark partridges and then I have a few that have more orange on them. So I guess I will go with Light Blue?

Thanks for all your feedback!!!

I'm not quite sure I understand your question--are you wanting a box to carry your birds to shows, and want advice on what colour to paint is? Or are you wanting a box for photographing them, and want to know what colouring best showcases partridge birds?

If you look at a colour wheel, complementary colours are considered an aesthetically pleasing combination. If you consider partridge to be orangish, its complement is blue. The yellower the bird is, the more you would tend towards purple. The closer it is to red, the more you would tend towards green. Don't jsut consider hue, also consider tint/shade.
I'm wanting to do that too. I entered my boy in my Avatar in the Boston Poultry show. A junior showed him and I asked a few known breeders and the judge what I could do to improve his offspring colors b/c he is great type! I heard out of 4 ppl use a black with leakage 3x and another told me to just use a very dark partridge. So, I guess I should try to find a nice black leakage but, here in the New England area it's slim pickins

I have three very dark hardly any color on them pullets. If I can not find what I need I guess i will have to just use what I have and

Sounds good to me!! And good morning to you. I really have to do the same thing. Taking pictures in a lawn chair just doesn't cut it. But you know, come to think of it, you know the bright blue on those canvas lawn chairs really made the partridge stand out. Take a look. Just look at the contrast. It wasn't a very good picture because I was alone and the chicks figured out real fast that they could escape off the sides. Just look at the contrast.

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