Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

Here's a couple of my 5 weeks old partridge.

The "boys" are squaring off for a fight.


This is my favorite. A pullet I'm pretty sure!

Congrats, Pennie! I don't know what BB stands for. Probably "Best of the Best" cause I know your flock is awesome!

I believe it "Best of Breed". CONGRATS PENNIE!!!
Well everyone... It was a very nice show. Met some very nice people. I heard from sources that the judge for the featherleg division was horrible. I was told point blank that I should not have won, but I took BB and Res.Ch.FL with a pullet of mine. It wasn't the same pullet at the last show, but one that looks just like her. I was happy until today when I got shut down. Too many ruffled feathers - and not on the birds. This is why I never wanted to show.
rember the judge great till they didnt win and ur birds shouldnt have won because in there mind there bird should have

sorry u had bad x perence
To be quite honest, I didn't expect to win. There were some gorgeous Silkies there. I didn't think I stood a chance in hell. Well, I knew I would get variety, without a doubt. There were only 3 other partridges and the others looked like they should have been rescued. When I went BB I was so excited I almost peed my pants, and then to go RCFL was amazing. I had heard the judge was way too political.Well, I'm a noboby. So, it got me really upset when this woman turned on me. She was my mentor. She was the one that was 1/2 of my foundation stock and anybody that talked to me I introduced her as such. I thought we were friends. I was stabbed in the back on a couple of occasions by a couple of different people and both were supposed to be friends.... Goes to show how much I know. I'll stick with my Silkies.

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