Partridge to barred rock


15 Years
Jul 17, 2008
DC Region
Okay I've grocked blue rock to barred rock. So if I breed a partridge male to a barred female.

I get ? barred/Partridge males (kind of a fake crele) and partridge or barred or partridge/barred pullets as offspring?

Barred Roo to a Partridge hen? Barred (or is it barred partridge males again) and the same smattering of pullets as offspring?

If I'm improving a partridge line with better barred stock, I need to take ...

Partridge colored pullets produced to their partridge father?
Since barring is sex-linked, I'm thinking you'd have to use partridge roo to barred hen and keep any resulting partridge pullets to breed back to your partridge roo, kinda like what Halo is doing. The roos from that initial breeding would all be barred, so they wouldn't help your partridge line. At least I think that's how it works out on paper. How it works out in real life may be a different story, since you have no way of knowing what went into creating that initial partridge roo!

Im not sure I remember what your trying to do (I cant hardly remember what IM trying to do...), but if you use a barred roo over partridge females, I think all the offspring, boys and girls, will be have barring of some sort, theoretically. If you breed partridge roo to barred hens, only the males will have some barring. I dont know how the partridge gene impacts this whole issue, tho.
Partridge male to a barred female will produce black barred males and black females. Both males and females will leak some red color. The red will show up later in the males. The females will leak more red than the males.

Barred roo to partridge hen will produce black birds that are barred. They will leak red as stated previously. The barring will cut down on the amount of red in the female.

I would then pick the offspring with the best body type etc. and back cross them to a partridge. About half of the offspring will be partridge. The partridge will have black smut or black tips on the feathers and you may get some gold double laced birds. Any birds that you do produce that are descent partridge will have some stippling problems. The genes that make for excellent partridge are not documented. You will have to cull and cross the birds with the best type and color patterns.
Good luck.

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All I know is that I LOVE my Partridge Rock Roo.
Hopefully when he starts crowing it wont bother the neighbors any. I will be so upset if I have to find him a new home. He is just so handsome
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Thanks all. I can get great quality barreds more simply than I can get show partridge, in fact the buggers are stinking rare.

In order to improve the Partridge Rocks I do have - I'm bringing in barred.

So all Roo progeny from Partridge to Barred breeding are culls - sounds like. That's okay - lots of dogs here.

I'm also bringing in good partridge cochins - to improve width and weight and feather. Because those are off in the PRs I've started with.

Sure I'll be sorting my brains out through several generations but in the overall, it will be interesting and produce better than I started with.

And I'll be record keeping for production and weights because a dual purpose breed should produce decently and partridge traditionally have not been worked on as much in that regard. Pretty is fine but I do want to focus on sustainability - because most of what I've learned about show partridge rocks is that they don't produce all that well. Kind of sad.

So, I have my work set out for me. But heck I've nine acres and I'm retired, ought to be interesting.
Sounds like fun! I'm still trying to get back on track with my RIRs. I had the same line for YEARS. When we retired, we sold the place in Florida and moved here, so I gave that flock to my daughter. It's taken me awhile to get settled, but now I want chickens again, so I ordered some chicks. They were soooo far removed from the RIRs I'd had for all those years that I gave them away and asked my daughter to ship me some eggs.

What I didn't realize when I gave her my flock is that she did not like my roos and rehomed them. When I asked, she sent me 36 eggs that hatched out 2 roos and 4 pullets. Unfortunately they are not nearly as nice as what I had, and now I am trying to work my way back to good stock without totally losing my original line. It's turning into quite a project! I'm surprised at how hard it is to find good, old-fashioned REAL "Rhodies"! But I'm working on it!

I was deeply surprised by how hard - nearly impossible - it was to find good Partridges. Spent a long time tracking down people with show quality only to find their hatch and production rates were wayyy off, and many of the larger flocks of them had been sold, passed on or heavily culled.

So yeah, rebuilding is the name of the game. One of the show guys is trying to get me eggs next year. But his fertility is not great. In many ways I'm going to be better off pushing from the ground up.

I'm working on getting a few more from a heritage flock in Oregon but that's not til after spring gets going. At least starting now I can have a base to compare and sort what comes in, or is hatched here, and have something to look at as far as growth and color and breadth and feather. By spring I'll also have pullets laying to sort through. At least it will keep me busy. I'm going to need lots of nail polish and colored bands eventually.

Glad I have a camera and a photo printer - that way my old head won't get as easily confuddled

Partridge Roo to barred hen: Okay my first generation are all black bleeding red. Pullets more so, cockerals less so.

Partridge father to black-red daughter, then yields? Some or all partridge?

Is there any benefit to keeping the cockerals produced if partridge is the desired outcome?

If I get a tremendous barred roo (I'm hatching so what I will have is ???) do I bother crossing him to partridges or waiting until I have black-red hens? Or is that muddying the waters? And stick with only barred hens for size and lay?

All the sex linked causes and effects in genetics are interesting.
It's Ironic, I always read the genetics threads to learn, this especially peaked my interest as I have a pair of Barred Cochins and am hatching some Red Cochins. Quite to my surprise yesterday I picked up a Partridge Cochin Pullet. I am assuming from what I am reading here I will need to get a Partridge Cockerel to get the best results for trying on my Barred Pullet?

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