My 1-week-old Silver Wyandotte chick, Jujube, has diarrhea and pasty bottom. The other chicks are fine. She is one of the smallest.
Yesterday, she had diarrhea. I cleaned her up, hoping it was a one time incident. This morning, the diarrhea is more watery, with pasty bottom. I cleaned her bottom in a bowl of warm water and dried her well.
Brooder temp is fine with Brinsea Eco Glo. Pine shavings are cleaned out and replaced as needed. I am giving plain water and water laced with probiotics, electrolytes, and a drop of Nutri Drench. They are eating medicated chick starter. Every other day, I am giving the 8 of them 1 tablespoon of scrambled egg to share. All are eating, drinking, playing, and sleeping well. Even Jujube.
Should I do something more for her? Is this common? Do I need to isolate her? Is the diarrhea caused by stress, parasites, disease, or something else? They were all vaccinated for Marek.
Thanks for any advice you may give. Praying for all of you to be blessed with a healthy, happy flock.
Yesterday, she had diarrhea. I cleaned her up, hoping it was a one time incident. This morning, the diarrhea is more watery, with pasty bottom. I cleaned her bottom in a bowl of warm water and dried her well.
Brooder temp is fine with Brinsea Eco Glo. Pine shavings are cleaned out and replaced as needed. I am giving plain water and water laced with probiotics, electrolytes, and a drop of Nutri Drench. They are eating medicated chick starter. Every other day, I am giving the 8 of them 1 tablespoon of scrambled egg to share. All are eating, drinking, playing, and sleeping well. Even Jujube.
Should I do something more for her? Is this common? Do I need to isolate her? Is the diarrhea caused by stress, parasites, disease, or something else? They were all vaccinated for Marek.
Thanks for any advice you may give. Praying for all of you to be blessed with a healthy, happy flock.