Pasty butt prevention?


11 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Eastern CT
I noticed that a lot of my NH Reds chicks have pasty butt. All of my EE chicks seem to be fine. Is the anything I should be doing to prevent this? I've been wetting it down and and cleaning it off but for 30+ chick its a pain in the arse.

Thanks in advance, Jas!
The only time I've had a problem with pasty butt was when I gave my chicks sugar water.

So the only thing I know of to prevent is to avoid sugar water... don't know if that helps you at all.
I allways take a q-tip and dip it in a bit of olive oil or veg oil and give them little swabbing of it. Go from the center and roll the q-tip as you go around the butt in a circle. I do this when I put them in the brooder and usually don't have any problems afterwards.

Use tepid, room temperature drinking water. Too cold and it can cause pasting. Also, make sure the brooder temp is right and they have space to get away from the heat or snuggle under it as needed. Some chicks react to overheating/chilling via pasting.
We add cracked corn and a little grit to the chick starter on the first day until about 3 or 4 weeks. It seems to prevent the pasty butt. I also gets the gizzard working good.
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I had heard that adding a little bit of oats in with your starter crumbles helps pasty butt and no sugar water because that makes it worse. I know that you are supposed to give them sugar water when you received your chicks in the mail but I don't believe you are supposed to leave them on it regularly. It is only for a boost of energy to help them recover from their trip and fast.

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