PAY IT FORWARD, a feel good thread

last month, my wife had asked me to stop and pick up something from the grocery store. I stopped at a very small HEB on the way home from work. I had noticed a very elderly lady and her teen aged grandson shopping. Well grandson was speed shopping from a list, and his poor grandma, was left shuffling behind by several feet. She was a little unsteady walking and walked very slow.

I checked out and as I was leaving the entrance of the store, noticed that grandson had left grandma again, and she was stuck on the store side of the driveway, looking worried. Many cars were passing the front of the store. I have to be careful here, because at times my appearance, can be a little scary. Big beard, and usually a rather intense or angry look. I gently asked her, if she would mind if I escorted her to her car. I asked her to please hold on to my basket, and take her time, I would take her across the drive way. She looked a little confused, so I offered her my arm instead, and she readily placed her hand in the crook of my elbow, and we proceeded. As we slowly shuffled across the driveway, I politely stared down the oncoming car, who's driver seemed to think the crosswalk was not for slow moving elderly folks.

we made it to her car, and grandson, was sitting inside!!!

I politely informed him of the importance of respect for those people that have come before us, and do so much for us. he apologized to me, and I again, politely reminded him the person that need his "I'm sorry" was his grandmother. He mumbled something, and I asked him politely "What?!?" A much clearer "I'm sorry grandma." and I left.

can't stand rudeness in any generation.
Good for you Berts.

That grandson could have been my 2 nieces...that's how they treat my mother and it always makes my blood boil. The sad thing about it is, my mother defends them. She wouldn't have tolerated us treating our grandparents that rudely. When did it become ok to treat people like that?
Good for you Berts.

That grandson could have been my 2 nieces...that's how they treat my mother and it always makes my blood boil. The sad thing about it is, my mother defends them. She wouldn't have tolerated us treating our grandparents that rudely. When did it become ok to treat people like that?
it's never been ok to treat people like that!!

sometimes youngsters need a reminder that they will be in their grandparents shoes one day. sometimes you can do it verbally, sometimes they need a boot up their arze.
I guess I'm glad that I have the grandkids so close - Katie and Kendra across the street and Evan two blocks down - and that I am not only their grandmother I'm also their day care provider, among other things,on a day to day basis. So I don't "need" them to adore their gramma by trying to be their friend and take any scrap of time with them I can find. I demand courtesy here, even from Kendra. They have to treat my home, my hubby, myself, their parents and each other with respect. Period. Now, I'm not talking the "I'll-beat-it-into-you kind of respect.....just the same respect that they receive from us. If Kendra wants a snack, she knows that when she's done I'll take her hand and she'll carry her dish and napkin in her other hand and we walk to the sink, where she knows how to open the dishwasher, put her dish inside, then close it back up. She likes doing that. Then she turns and her napkin goes in the trash. I don't want her trying to get by in life with her big blue eyes and her disability. The other two kids have to pick up after themselves and she's no different. Lots of laughing and hugs ensure that the respect is given and received with love.

I remember once when Evan was staying here at night (daughter works 6pm to 7 am) and Tam was dropping him off. He was a wild boy when he bounced in here, as many 7 years are. He hung up his jacket and put his backpack in the closet, then hightailed it for the living room, where he flung himself as hard as he could into the recliner. The chair promptly tipped over backwards, as we had both warned him time and again it would do. He came running in holding his elbow, expecting Mom to give him some sympathy. She did me proud....she looked at him and said, "Evan, you're not hurt, and I have........" She didn't even get to finish her sentence. Evan dropped his head and finished it for her. " sympathy for stupidity." He said."I'm sorry, Gramma. I won't do it again." And he's now 10, almost 11, and he hasn't.

I hate seeing things like you saw....and I'm glad you stepped in. I hope someone would do the same if my grandkids ever did something like that.
I do a little something at Juvenile Hall every Wed to pay it forward. It's a volunteer vocational program where I rescue dogs from the pound that didn't find homes and match them with kids in the Youthful Offender Program. I teach the kids how to train and groom dogs so they can get a job when they are released. It's a 14 week program. The youth learn compassion, responsibility, self respect, patience, and unconditional love.
The youth must not have any disciplinary issues while in the program.
They get a BOX of candy for an essay on what they learned or taught the dogs each week. Helps them know how to express their thoughts and fill out an application. They get a piece of candy for every right answer on a quiz. I cheerfully go broke! They receive a certificate. The dogs find forever homes. Win win.
hi yer mutt
thats really boss if every one just took a little time to think about other people the world would be a better place
i do a bit with the elderly cook wait on table call the bingo round here people have always helped each other
my granny drummed it into me michael if you find you cant help some one always be sure you dont hinder them

so well done mutt good luck
hi yer mutt
thats really boss if every one just took a little time to think about other people the world would be a better place
i do a bit with the elderly cook wait on table call the bingo round here people have always helped each other
my granny drummed it into me michael if you find you cant help some one always be sure you dont hinder them

so well done mutt good luck
That's awesome! You are spot on! I think kindness is contagious! How terrific to make the old folks feel special and have fun! Good stuff!
That's excellent @Mutt Farm !

Was at Dunkin' Donuts getting a coffee today when I glanced over at a table and saw two ladies apparently having a business meeting. The one heavy set lady was wearing a bright red pants suit and had a half inch buzz cut and eyebrows dyed to match the pants suit. My initial impression was, "What the he------------?" And then I thought, "She looks good. You ought to tell her so." I'm at that point in life
where women know/think I am not hitting on them so I gave it a go. I think I made her day and that of her colleague, and it made me feel good. That's how Sour met Tasha and hopefully brightened her day.

Next stop was TSC where Laura the cashier was training a new employee. Earlier in the week Laura tried to sell me a 'special' on 3 dog bones for $5. I refused and we joshed around about her salesmanship skills. So today I complimented the new girl on her salesmanship and bought 9 dog bones. As I left Laura came running out and thanked me saying that the new girl had sold 15 dog bones that day and that a district manager was in the store - some sort of a contest I guess.

I had fun today.
I didn't realize I hadn't commented on this. It warmed my heart! That sweet lady will be smiling for a very long time! The cashier too! BTW, I remembered what you did with the cashier, so I was at one of those walk in hair places to get a shampoo. The DM was there, so I bragged loudly to the freshly hired stylist about what a great shampoo and how friendly they were. She was beaming.

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