PAY IT FORWARD, a feel good thread

Mutt Farm

Jul 2, 2015
Inland Empire Southern California
Howdy! This thread is about sharing, lending a hand. Feeling good about helping a neighbor, someone in need, doing good deeds. Ideas to help a community, innovative programs or just giving some eggs to someone that's struggling. A thread to reaffirm that folks are kind and to share the joy of giving.
last month, my wife had asked me to stop and pick up something from the grocery store. I stopped at a very small HEB on the way home from work. I had noticed a very elderly lady and her teen aged grandson shopping. Well grandson was speed shopping from a list, and his poor grandma, was left shuffling behind by several feet. She was a little unsteady walking and walked very slow.

I checked out and as I was leaving the entrance of the store, noticed that grandson had left grandma again, and she was stuck on the store side of the driveway, looking worried. Many cars were passing the front of the store. I have to be careful here, because at times my appearance, can be a little scary. Big beard, and usually a rather intense or angry look. I gently asked her, if she would mind if I escorted her to her car. I asked her to please hold on to my basket, and take her time, I would take her across the drive way. She looked a little confused, so I offered her my arm instead, and she readily placed her hand in the crook of my elbow, and we proceeded. As we slowly shuffled across the driveway, I politely stared down the oncoming car, who's driver seemed to think the crosswalk was not for slow moving elderly folks.

we made it to her car, and grandson, was sitting inside!!!

I politely informed him of the importance of respect for those people that have come before us, and do so much for us. he apologized to me, and I again, politely reminded him the person that need his "I'm sorry" was his grandmother. He mumbled something, and I asked him politely "What?!?" A much clearer "I'm sorry grandma." and I left.

can't stand rudeness in any generation.
I do a little something at Juvenile Hall every Wed to pay it forward. It's a volunteer vocational program where I rescue dogs from the pound that didn't find homes and match them with kids in the Youthful Offender Program. I teach the kids how to train and groom dogs so they can get a job when they are released. It's a 14 week program. The youth learn compassion, responsibility, self respect, patience, and unconditional love.
The youth must not have any disciplinary issues while in the program.
They get a BOX of candy for an essay on what they learned or taught the dogs each week. Helps them know how to express their thoughts and fill out an application. They get a piece of candy for every right answer on a quiz. I cheerfully go broke! They receive a certificate. The dogs find forever homes. Win win.
It's a shame that many of the common courtesies that I was raised with no longer exist. Yesterday in a fast food restaurant (yes I ate there) I held the door for a young girl - she thanked me and entered. On the way out she stopped at my table and thanked me again quite effusively for holding the door for her. It's how I was raised. Hold the door for others, help a lady with her coat, pull the chair out for 'your lady', smile and say hello to others - what happened to all of that?
We have been donating our extra veggies from the garden to our local food pantry. I plant a 30 foot solid wall of pole beans every year and we have had as much as we need for a couple of weeks now. So from here on out they go where ever they are needed.
Driving down the street one day I seen somebody growing tomato plants on the edge of the road. A sign said to pick your own, and there were plastic bags hanging nearby. It's very heartwarming to see such generosity.

I do my best to go out of my way to help people everyday. Even something as simple as a smile or a helping hand can make a big difference in somebody's life.

Great idea for a thread.
I am a firm believer of what goes around comes around. I have been the recipient of so many small kindnesses by strangers that I rarely miss the opportunity to "make someone's day". It could be a compliment to a stranger or helping pay for gas or buying a meal for a homeless person. People hold doors open for me all the time and I never fail to thank them. If everyone could be kind and respectful, we would not have much of the rudeness people encounter every day.
Was at Dunkin' Donuts getting a coffee today when I glanced over at a table and saw two ladies apparently having a business meeting. The one heavy set lady was wearing a bright red pants suit and had a half inch buzz cut and eyebrows dyed to match the pants suit. My initial impression was, "What the he------------?" And then I thought, "She looks good. You ought to tell her so." I'm at that point in life
where women know/think I am not hitting on them so I gave it a go. I think I made her day and that of her colleague, and it made me feel good. That's how Sour met Tasha and hopefully brightened her day.

Next stop was TSC where Laura the cashier was training a new employee. Earlier in the week Laura tried to sell me a 'special' on 3 dog bones for $5. I refused and we joshed around about her salesmanship skills. So today I complimented the new girl on her salesmanship and bought 9 dog bones. As I left Laura came running out and thanked me saying that the new girl had sold 15 dog bones that day and that a district manager was in the store - some sort of a contest I guess.

I had fun today.
Opened my big mouth again. I was at Bank of America (not my favorite place) making a deposit for the Beagle Club when I heard all sorts of yelling coming from one of the cubicles. A very irate elderly lady, yep way older than me, very well dressed and jewelry endowed was working over one of the clerks. This exchange went on for quite a while until Mrs Nasty went in search of the bank manager. As the bank manager got to the cubicle, I interceded and loudly told her that the clerk had done an exemplary, extremely patient job with the b*tch. I thought that the poor girl was going to cry. Other bank customers reiterated my sentiments, and then I ran out of the bank before the witch could attack me. Courage only stretches so far.
We did one the other day...;but it's not as big a deal as braving an irate old woman! Being an occasionally irate old woman myself, I know this for a fact.

Anyway, we were turning off I-90 and heading up to cross the mountains on our way home from South Dakota on Sunday. We stopped for a a very nice lunch in Sheridan. Sweetest little elderly couple behind us must be regulars there because the waitress was complimenting her pretty new hairdo. Hubby was doing all the talking for her, telling the girl that his wife had just had her hair "fixed" so he could pick her and take her out to eat. His cap said WW2 Vet. We picked up their tab. Hope they were pleasantly surprised when the waitress told them.

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