PAY IT FORWARD, a feel good thread

hi yer mutt
thats really boss if every one just took a little time to think about other people the world would be a better place
i do a bit with the elderly cook wait on table call the bingo round here people have always helped each other
my granny drummed it into me michael if you find you cant help some one always be sure you dont hinder them

so well done mutt good luck
I gave eggs away today. $4.69 per dz at the grocery. Once all my hens start laying I should be able to donate 4 doz per week to the Women's Shelter. That feels good.
That's awesome. I have brought eggs to a coworker who is interested in starting up her own little egg factory, personal sized of course, but once I brought in that dozen, everyone's faces just lit up like kids in a candy store and when they found out I was GIVING them away, boy hands were out, and wallets were open and lists were ready to be made! Side Note:(I'm a nurse in an acute Psych Crisis Ward in a prison) I am glad that there are people out there that want them, but at the same time, I feel awkward charging anyone, so I just say "Donations" as the money will just go back into the cost of food! When I heard how much people are charging for them at Farmer's Markets here, $8 a dozen, for farm fresh eggs, my jaw dropped, and although the thought of extra cash during the holidays is there, the idea of the appreciation people have for the eggs is far greater a blessing if you ask me.
I wish I had enough to pass around to everyone and feed my family too, but we don't right now, girls just started laying again after the molt and sniffles. The coworker that I gave the dozen to claims she noticed a big difference in those eggs compared to the store eggs she has. She says she is cherishing them and using them in special recipes, they are not going to be wasted on just cake, LOL.
Today, per request of another coworker, I brought in another dozen for her, she offered me $4 donation for them, she was so tickled to see the green egg, the darker brown eggs and the 2 little silkie eggs in the carton. She didn't seem to mind at all that the 2 small ones were there, she was excited to have a scrambled egg dinner tonight! But of course that brought others into the realm of "I'll take some!" "Me too!" "How much?" etc. I thought "Wow, you would have thought I was selling tamales!" LOL I tell them that I feed the girls the Non-GMO feeds, let them free range the property all day and give them lots of goodies from the kitchen as well. Just this week I bought Fage greek yogurt, it said it has 23g protein! I thought this is nice for their feathering since they are coming out of molt now, and I put some wild blueberries and scratch with it as well! Those chickens, eat better than we do!

I really don't have the capacity to meet demand, I had to continually explain to them that laying numbers/totals daily are inconsistent and I may not always be able to accommodate. Perhaps when the spring comes, and the girls warm up a bit more, and they hatch some babies out as well for me, that will add potential future layers as well. I also love giving eggs to my closest friends and to my grandmother. Come Jan, my Mother-in Law will be coming in from San Antonio, and I would love to send her home with 5 doz if I could, but I know I will not have that much available to send her with.

How do you keep up with it?
It's a shame that many of the common courtesies that I was raised with no longer exist. Yesterday in a fast food restaurant (yes I ate there) I held the door for a young girl - she thanked me and entered. On the way out she stopped at my table and thanked me again quite effusively for holding the door for her. It's how I was raised. Hold the door for others, help a lady with her coat, pull the chair out for 'your lady', smile and say hello to others - what happened to all of that?
I think it still happens, but not often enough. Just look at how tickled she was to encounter a gentleman.
I live in a rural part of NJ. After every snowstorm ends, my 'across the road' neighbor shows up and plows my driveway - won't even stop for a cup of coffee. He does this for most of the neighbors. He has done this for the past 30 + years.
I can't even list how many folks helped us out while I was sick

The other day Honey came home upset. A co-worker's wife had had a medically complicated miscarriage. I've never met these folks but my heart just went out to them. Stayed up to put together a lasagna for Honey to take to work the next day for them. He was so incredibly grateful, and it was really no difficulty for me. I just need to be more aware of what's going on with folks around us and pick up on opportunities like that more often.

sourland...I love it when men hold doors for me, etc. I always be sure to say "Thank you, sir". some of the older gents aren't in very good physical shape, but they'll by golly hold that door for you.
How sweet of you. Gosh...that would just taste so good and warm if you were feeling bad. That has to make you feel so good. If we all do a little something. It's so contagious.
I donate our eggs to a church food pantry. Such a great feeling of pride when I cook ours knowing that so many other families are enjoying our girls eggs.

Funny to find this thread, because I was reading a newspaper article of ways to "pay it forward" this morning. People have decided to pay it forward for their birthdays. It's really cool all the random acts of kindness people can do that really make a difference in people's lives.

A few weeks ago I went thru McDonald's drive thru and I used a gift card and it still had $6 something on it after I paid. I asked the cashier to use the card and apply it to the people behind me until it runs out. It wasn't a big deal for me & I wasn't looking for a thank you. Just something nice I can do for someone else.
I donate our eggs to a church food pantry. Such a great feeling of pride when I cook ours knowing that so many other families are enjoying our girls eggs.

Funny to find this thread, because I was reading a newspaper article of ways to "pay it forward" this morning. People have decided to pay it forward for their birthdays. It's really cool all the random acts of kindness people can do that really make a difference in people's lives.

A few weeks ago I went thru McDonald's drive thru and I used a gift card and it still had $6 something on it after I paid. I asked the cashier to use the card and apply it to the people behind me until it runs out. It wasn't a big deal for me & I wasn't looking for a thank you. Just something nice I can do for someone else.
Bless you. Some families just can't afford eggs that are so healthy and full of protein. The children get cheap cereal. The folks behind you at the drive thru remembered kindness. Bless you!

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