PAY IT FORWARD, a feel good thread

Opened my big mouth again. I was at Bank of America (not my favorite place) making a deposit for the Beagle Club when I heard all sorts of yelling coming from one of the cubicles. A very irate elderly lady, yep way older than me, very well dressed and jewelry endowed was working over one of the clerks. This exchange went on for quite a while until Mrs Nasty went in search of the bank manager. As the bank manager got to the cubicle, I interceded and loudly told her that the clerk had done an exemplary, extremely patient job with the b*tch. I thought that the poor girl was going to cry. Other bank customers reiterated my sentiments, and then I ran out of the bank before the witch could attack me. Courage only stretches so far.
Wow. If Mrs Nasty had a big account, that poor girl could have lost her job! Cmon though...YOU? scared of an old lady?
Totally agree .. great idea for a thread!

Reading what others have done to date have given me some good ideas and kudos to all of you for helping out in what ever way you can .. giving someone else a reason to smile.

I share any excess eggs with 4 of my neighbours and while not much, I cat sit for one of my neighbours when he goes away so that his little Tangles does not have to go into a boarding situation.

I am a stickler for Please and Thank You and know that a smile and wave can go a long way.

When driving, ever let anyone squeeze their car from one lane to yours? If someone lets me in, I always give a wave of thanks and know that I think ‘pfffft’ if I let someone in and get no acknowledgment

Anyways, mine is more of a ‘what someone did for me’ .. a few weeks ago I was chatting to a colleague and he was showing me pictures of his new house and I saw that he had a fire place, we do not have a fire place .. my chicken owner spidy senses tingled and I automatically thought Wood Ash!

I asked if next time he cleaned out the fire, could I please have the ash which, as you can imagine, raised some eyebrows
…. Anyways today he messaged me to say that he has bought the ash in for me .. I have made sure I let him know how very much I appreciate him taking the time and effort and while he replied “No big deal”, it was definitely a big deal for me.

I guess what I am trying to say is that while we feel that something we have done for someone is not a big deal …. The recipient of that ‘small’ gesture has maybe just had their day improved immensely.

Yep .. Pay It Forward!
Totally agree .. great idea for a thread!

Reading what others have done to date have given me some good ideas and kudos to all of you for helping out in what ever way you can .. giving someone else a reason to smile.

I share any excess eggs with 4 of my neighbours and while not much, I cat sit for one of my neighbours when he goes away so that his little Tangles does not have to go into a boarding situation.

I am a stickler for Please and Thank You and know that a smile and wave can go a long way.

When driving, ever let anyone squeeze their car from one lane to yours? If someone lets me in, I always give a wave of thanks and know that I think ‘pfffft’ if I let someone in and get no acknowledgment

Anyways, mine is more of a ‘what someone did for me’ .. a few weeks ago I was chatting to a colleague and he was showing me pictures of his new house and I saw that he had a fire place, we do not have a fire place .. my chicken owner spidy senses tingled and I automatically thought Wood Ash!

I asked if next time he cleaned out the fire, could I please have the ash which, as you can imagine, raised some eyebrows
…. Anyways today he messaged me to say that he has bought the ash in for me .. I have made sure I let him know how very much I appreciate him taking the time and effort and while he replied “No big deal”, it was definitely a big deal for me.

I guess what I am trying to say is that while we feel that something we have done for someone is not a big deal …. The recipient of that ‘small’ gesture has maybe just had their day improved immensely.

Yep .. Pay It Forward!
That's super! It is a big deal to that one person for sure! Oh gosh, the lane squeeze! Here in So Cal, the freeway commute brings out the worst in folks! I try to always signal and give a wave, let folks in,. if they signal. Folks are scocked at polite driving! I love it!
ETA I used up my ovations for today, but you've got one coming! Not that it matters to you, but it does to me to give one.
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Have you ever noticed that after you allow a driver to merge in or enter a busy highway they are likely to allow the same courtesy to the next driver encountered? Courtesy is contagious. The Princess and I call this 'getting an endorphin boost.
Have you ever noticed that after you allow a driver to merge in or enter a busy highway they are likely to allow the same courtesy to the next driver encountered? Courtesy is contagious. The Princess and I call this 'getting an endorphin boost.
Sure! I tried it and I liked it!
I've watched it! It really is contagious. I'm fortunate I don't have to commute in the madness every day. I can allow extra time to be polite nowadays.Me thinks maybe I just got old or don't get out much? BUT...that said...I drive a really big heavy diesel SUV (to haul dogs and a horse trailer) Every now and again, some rude little stinker head in one of those little rocket cars tries to be intimidating.
That's funny Sour. When I told a nurse the medication was causing 'shall we say' vapor problems. She said "around here we call it releasing endorphins." Now doesn't that sound much better? I feel when that happens now, I am benefitting all mankind.
I gave eggs away today. $4.69 per dz at the grocery. Once all my hens start laying I should be able to donate 4 doz per week to the Women's Shelter. That feels good.
That's awesome. I have brought eggs to a coworker who is interested in starting up her own little egg factory, personal sized of course, but once I brought in that dozen, everyone's faces just lit up like kids in a candy store and when they found out I was GIVING them away, boy hands were out, and wallets were open and lists were ready to be made! Side Note:(I'm a nurse in an acute Psych Crisis Ward in a prison) I am glad that there are people out there that want them, but at the same time, I feel awkward charging anyone, so I just say "Donations" as the money will just go back into the cost of food! When I heard how much people are charging for them at Farmer's Markets here, $8 a dozen, for farm fresh eggs, my jaw dropped, and although the thought of extra cash during the holidays is there, the idea of the appreciation people have for the eggs is far greater a blessing if you ask me.
I wish I had enough to pass around to everyone and feed my family too, but we don't right now, girls just started laying again after the molt and sniffles. The coworker that I gave the dozen to claims she noticed a big difference in those eggs compared to the store eggs she has. She says she is cherishing them and using them in special recipes, they are not going to be wasted on just cake, LOL.
Today, per request of another coworker, I brought in another dozen for her, she offered me $4 donation for them, she was so tickled to see the green egg, the darker brown eggs and the 2 little silkie eggs in the carton. She didn't seem to mind at all that the 2 small ones were there, she was excited to have a scrambled egg dinner tonight! But of course that brought others into the realm of "I'll take some!" "Me too!" "How much?" etc. I thought "Wow, you would have thought I was selling tamales!" LOL I tell them that I feed the girls the Non-GMO feeds, let them free range the property all day and give them lots of goodies from the kitchen as well. Just this week I bought Fage greek yogurt, it said it has 23g protein! I thought this is nice for their feathering since they are coming out of molt now, and I put some wild blueberries and scratch with it as well! Those chickens, eat better than we do!

I really don't have the capacity to meet demand, I had to continually explain to them that laying numbers/totals daily are inconsistent and I may not always be able to accommodate. Perhaps when the spring comes, and the girls warm up a bit more, and they hatch some babies out as well for me, that will add potential future layers as well. I also love giving eggs to my closest friends and to my grandmother. Come Jan, my Mother-in Law will be coming in from San Antonio, and I would love to send her home with 5 doz if I could, but I know I will not have that much available to send her with.

How do you keep up with it?

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