Pea green solid & bright green liquid droppings?


6 Years
Nov 4, 2013
Central Texas
Our 3-yr-old Australorp, Mother, didn't seem to be feeling well for a couple of days. She laid down yesterday morning when the rest of the girls were scratching around, so I separated her and found pea green solid & bright green liquid droppings in her hutch. She is eating & drinking. I started her on sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim.

She molted in late spring just before becoming egg bound. I don't know if or when she has laid an egg since then. About 2 weeks ago, her feathers had finally all grown back in.

All the girls were wormed with Valbazen in late summer (they are wormed 2x/yr). They had lice mid-fall & were treated with ivermectin. At least one of them had green & yellow mucous droppings a few weeks ago and all were given metronidazole because I couldn't tell which 2 or more had the problem.

They alternate between apple cider vinegar, probiotics, and plain water (plain water is also always available). They eat Purina Layena pellets with grit & oyster shell always available. They have a handful of Scratch & Peck Feed's grubs & 3-grain scratch once a day.



Edited to add more details.
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They eat Purina Layena pellets with a side of grit & oyster shell. They also get a handful of Scratch & Peck Feed's grubs & 3-grain scratch.

I edited my original post to add more information.
First......Did they have worms???.......No need to worm healthy Birds.....Adding stuff to the water is no good either.....Nutrition in Chickens is very complex....If not balanced things go wrong rather quickly....Pre-made age appropriate diets are all they need and fresh clear water....Zero fillers.....Once a week a snack....1 Tablespoon per Bird.....Granite grit and oyster shell for layers......In separate bowls.....

They had worms several times before we started the 2x/yr treatment at the vet's recommendation.

We started the apple cider vinegar & probiotics & plain water rotation this fall (plain water always available though). We had three girls with poopy bottoms & I took one to the vet. She had zero bacteria in the fecal test. The vet recommended apple cider vinegar & probiotics. We haven't had poopy bottoms since then. We didn't give them anything extra during antibiotic treatment.

I agree with you: plain water is best. I think in some cases though, it's necessary for their health.

Their grit & oyster shell are in separate dishes.

We have 10 hens, so a handful or even two of 3-grain scratch and grubs once a day doesn't end up being very much per hen. I think it would be different if they were getting snacks such as people food & mystery grain scratch. They forage in the yard every morning & evening for about 4 hrs total.
They had worms several times before we started the 2x/yr treatment at the vet's recommendation.

We started the apple cider vinegar & probiotics & plain water rotation this fall (plain water always available though). We had three girls with poopy bottoms & I took one to the vet. She had zero bacteria in the fecal test. The vet recommended apple cider vinegar & probiotics. We haven't had poopy bottoms since then. We didn't give them anything extra during antibiotic treatment.

I agree with you: plain water is best. I think in some cases though, it's necessary for their health.

Their grit & oyster shell are in separate dishes.

We have 10 hens, so a handful or even two of 3-grain scratch and grubs once a day doesn't end up being very much per hen. I think it would be different if they were getting snacks such as people food & mystery grain scratch. They forage in the yard every morning & evening for about 4 hrs total.
Sounds good......In my experience the poop is nothing then...Possibly drank more water or ate something......As long as they are fine cut out the additives to the water......That only needs to be for a few days if at all......

Best of luck with the Ladies!

If the same color poop consists, your hen is dehydrated and/or starving. I had a hen with poop this color, and she passed away a couple days later. I would definitely keep a very close eye on her, and if she gets worse I would suggest syringe feeding liquid poultry nutrition and Gatorade( for electrolytes and sugars). Good luck!
If the same color poop consists, your hen is dehydrated and/or starving. I had a hen with poop this color, and she passed away a couple days later. I would definitely keep a very close eye on her, and if she gets worse I would suggest syringe feeding liquid poultry nutrition and Gatorade( for electrolytes and sugars). Good luck!

She is eating & drinking, so maybe she's not digesting properly. I will give her some nutri-drench & pedialyte. Thank you!

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