Peachick with multiple issues...sick?!


6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Hey all, so I've come to the conclusion that Peachicks will be the death of me! So much harder than chickens.
The 2 I hatched this yr got runny watery poo, so I treated for cocci for 5 days. Stopped 3 days ago. Now they have thick brown stinky diarrhea. Why won't it get solid?
AND the little white one got diarrhea in its head and in it's it's swollen and looks like it's starting to be infected! Ugh!!!
So any thoughts on what to do?
I put triple antibiotic ointment on its eye tonight, but I don't know if I'll have to give it something else. I don't want to over medicate beings they just had a bout of cocci and got Corrid. They run around fine, and eat and drink well, but I'm worried about them getting worse.
Thanks in advance.
The swollen eyes and runny nose is a secondary respiratory infection largely caused by being run down with the Coccidiosis. They need to be on antibiotics but you also need to know if they are completely over the Cocci. Call around to the local vets and price fecal exams so you can find out exactly what they have and need to be treated for.
So sorry you are having such a rough time with your peas.
The swollen eyes and runny nose is a secondary respiratory infection largely caused by being run down with the Coccidiosis.  They need to be on antibiotics but you also need to know if they are completely over the Cocci.  Call around to the local vets and price fecal exams so you can find out exactly what they have and need to be treated for. 

No runny nose. Just some crusty guck around one of it's eye. But thanks
I just posted this in another thread. IMO, all peafowl owners should have Baytril, metronidazole, Corid and a wormer like Safeguard or Valbazen. If the eye doesn't clear up with ointment, or gets worse, I would treat with Baytril.


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