Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

we had another hot day yesterday, the bird with the poop issue looks 100%, unfortunately one of the others has taken a turn for the worse. He's separated from the rest of the birds and has his head laid back on his body more and standing around when I put food in for them.

I'm going to take the chick out and put him in a cooler area for today and dose it with safeguard and corid.

i'll get a better idea of it's poop this way too.


90 temp isn't hot for peafowls, i think he is sick.
I started all of them on Corid today in their water source. I went with 1/3 tsp to 1Qt of water.
I also moved the one into the garage and put a fan on for that chick. I've see some poop already and it's brown but runny. Not foamy or yellow in any way. I may dose it with safeguard tonight if there's no improvement.
The chick called and called for his friends and moved like a non sick chick for a hour after I moved it.
I don't know if it's drank any of the medicated water yet though.
I started all of them on Corid today in their water source. I went with 1/3 tsp to 1Qt of water.
I also moved the one into the garage and put a fan on for that chick. I've see some poop already and it's brown but runny. Not foamy or yellow in any way. I may dose it with safeguard tonight if there's no improvement.
The chick called and called for his friends and moved like a non sick chick for a hour after I moved it.
I don't know if it's drank any of the medicated water yet though.
I think I'd be tempted to use something closer to 1/2 tsp per quart.

after keeping it in the garage(cooler) for the weekend and dossing it with safeguard and Corid via a syringe and yesterday morning I ground up some of their food and mixed it in Gatorade and gave the bird about 5ml of that mix also.

Today I put him back in the cage with the others and he went right for the feeder and pecked at it a little and maybe got a few small pieces also.

One of the other peas kept pecking at it head and so for both of their sake I took the aggressor out and put him in timeout in the garage.

This should give the sick one a chance to get better. It would go to the feeder when all the other birds made their way to it to snack and it appear the sick one would eat also.

I'm continuing the corid in the drinking water for the 4th day now and no other birds appear to be ill whatsoever.

What was the cause of these droppings. 4 of my chickens have died and all had these droppings. What could this be?

Which droppings?


I will never know for sure what they had, but all recovered with metronidazole, Baytril, and Safeguard. Can you post a poop picture?
The photos with the shavings are during the night. The others are this morning. I started them on safeguard 1/2cc each yesterday and another dose today. I've been giving corid in their water since Wednesday







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