Peafowl textbook?


May 17, 2022
I’ve had two peafowl pass recently and am searching for a textbook. I’ve seen a lot of self-published primers available, but I’m seeking a book that an exotic vet would have. Our local vet seems to be googling and in the end we had a peahen and peacock die within days of each other. He suggested we let the remaining two out of the coop and one has disappeared. We are down to one peacock from 4 beautiful three years olds a week ago. We are rural so we don’t have access to more sophisticated care.
That’s true, but I’m not sure what else to do because after 1.5 years of being cooped up, e lost a gorgeous peahen and our biggest peacock to exogenous parasites. My fear is no one has written the textbook on peafowl.
You can find all of the answers to treat and keep your birds healthy here.
It is a great reference manual that vets use for ID'ing parasites and pests on all kinds of livestock. It is a bit dated and there are a few more medication options available now but it is my go-to bible when I do my fecal exams at home. The basic information on care and housing, genetics, etc can be found in the Stickies Index at the top of the Peafowl section of this forum.

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