Pearl & Daisy

Thanks! :)

The one on the right looks to have a very long neck ... could just be in their gangly teenage stage ... I'd guess either Chinese or African ...

Do you know how much they weigh?
@123RedBeard I have not weighed them! However, just from picking them up - the weight is considerable. I've considered that Daisy (the one with a longer neck) may be a Brown Chinese, but .... I really do think they're both (hatchery quality) African. They're both getting a thick head, and they're both heavy and big - the Brown Chinese are supposed to be a small breed of goose. And while their necks are long, in-person they do not have that graceful swan-like curve that I've seen on Chinese geese.

Meanwhile, one hatchery page said that Africans average up to 12 - 16 lbs - I think Pearl will easily meet that once he's full grown. He's a big goose!
They are getting so cute. Looks like a tiny knob forming in the close up shot. Mine are as ornery as always but found out to day they don't like camouflage clothes. My dad came to visit which sent them into shivering and picking at his clothing. And it made Levi stand between the offensive clothes and the girls. Lol. They are so silly. If he wears normal clothes (dickies) and a work shirt he is just fine to visit with. They calmed down promptly when I came to the yard.
I took Pearl & Daisy for their first 'walk' today.

Now: a preface. What had I hoped to happen? Well: I wished for a recreation of all the videos I had seen of others walking their geese out in the open, with the geese happily trotting behind their shepherd.

What ended up happening? When I took the geese on a 'walk' from the back yard to the front yard, they got confused, and it took me quite a while to get them headed to where I wanted them to go (the front lawn). Eventually, I had to catch Pearl and pack him to the grass.

There, for the most part, they behaved themselves. I was anxious about them hopping the fence (much shorter in the front yard) and trotting off into Coyote Country, but this did not happen. They also did not follow me as tightly as they do when we are traversing the backyard, but I had to remind myself: this was a break from routine, and no bird does well with a break in routine. I was eventually able to get them back into the backyard, smoother than our trip out of the backyard, so I counted it as a success.

Of course, now I'm rethinking whether it was a good decision. :( I know it's an apples to oranges comparison, but I do not want a repeat of the Mallards: going outside to find them gone. The geese do seem to be a lot more homely than the ducks, and I'm hoping today's excursion was merely a fun treat and not something to tempt them to search for greener pastures.

I would love some input from more experienced goose keepers about whether I should try and continue taking them for short walks around the property, or whether it's best to leave them in the backyard.
They are very brave and smart. They’ll figure that the front yard trip involves mama and their backyard is theirs. Good suggestion Miss Lydia, mine will do anything for a treat. I’ve been having my six year old give them their bedtime snack so they associate her with food and happiness. So far they still love her, greet her, follow her around, and hopefully there will be no issues down the road. (Breeding season)
They're getting better about following. :) Some cute pictures to make up for all my worrying. They're about 11wks old now! Big babies.




I noticed the same thing. There were feathers all over their run this morning. At 11 weeks they just got these feathers, why are they molting? I thought I would get through this year without feathers everywhere. Oh, well. Your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for keeping us updated.

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